- 相關推薦
1. 收到到單證后,根據所標項號逐一查出SH編碼標注于單證上,然后區分出法檢貨物與非法檢貨物。
2. 進行錄入工作,法檢產品與非法檢產品按國檢局要求分開錄入申報。
3. 錄入完畢后打印出需要L證得產品,傳真至EPD公司,請企業提供相關保函證明此貨物為船用料件,可免辦L證,送至我司。
4. 收到EPD提供的保函后,把單證送往機電科,請陳飛或者余小陽簽字認證(如他們外出,則需要等待)。
5. 認證簽字后,送往檢務處接單,計費,打印通關單,簽字。
6. 至檢疫部門開具查驗通知單,辦理貨物進加工區申請,同時通知EPD打印進區保函送至我司。之后將單證,查驗單,進區保函,特殊情況申請表交王義放行貨物。
7. 待海關放行后,王義辦理集裝箱消毒處理手續,消毒完畢后將集裝箱運至加工區倉庫門口,向國檢局進行約檢,接其檢驗員進行查驗放行。
8. 每月初交進區企業臺帳給盛祝毅。
1. 收到單證后,根據企業提供項號查出HS編碼。
2. 標出出口法檢貨物進行錄入。
3. 請企業提供情況說明,證明此貨物為生產成品所需料件,不屬于物流貨物,不直接出運至國外。
4. 至檢務部門接單,計費,打印通關單,簽字。
EPD Cargo inspection process
①: Ocean Import
1. After receiving the documents, identify and mark each HS CODE on the document according to item number, and then distinguish whether the goods is statutory inspection or not.
2. To input work, goods needs statutory inspection or not should be declared separately according to CIQ’s requirement.
3. After the input, print the products which need L certificate and fax it to EPD company. Then EPD provide guarantees which shows the product is for marine cargo materials and parts and may be exempted from L certificate, sent to our company.
4. After receiving letter of guarantee provided by EPD, send the document to the Electrical Division, ask for Chen Fei’s or Yu Xiaoyang’s signature for certification (if they go out, we need to wait).
5. After the certification signature, sent documents to the Inspection Service Department, then the fee payment, printing customs formalities, signed.
6. To inspection and quarantine authorities for issued notice, apply for goods into processing zone, notify the EPD to send the printed guarantee to our company. After the documents, examine form, into-zone guarantees and special circumstances application form are OK, Wang Yi will go to release the goods.
7. After customs clearance, Wang Yi will apply for disinfection procedures for containers. When disinfection is completed, the containers will be sent to the gate of processing zone warehouse. Apply for CIQ inspection, then the examiner to give clearance and release the container.
8. Give the ledger of inside-zone enterprise to Sheng Zhuyi every beginning of a month.
②: Air Import
The same with ocean import step
③: Domestic Freight Area
1. Receipt of documents, identify the item HS code based on the item No. provided by the enterprises.
2. Mark the statutory inspection goods and input.
3. Ask enterprises to provide an explanation which can prove that the goods is required materials and parts for production, not the logistics goods, not directly shipped to foreign
countries.4. To the Inspection Service Department receive documents, then payment, printing customs formalities and signed.