- 相關推薦
1. Don't "fake it until you make it." 不要不懂裝懂 Many new workers try to appear more knowledgeablethan they really are. They don't ask questions. They think they need to have answers to be valuable to their organizations, and they can't admit to a lack of experience or understanding. They compensate for their lack of confidence with overconfidence. But here's the secret: They're not fooling anyone! No one expects you to know everything in your first job, and you learn and grow faster when you seek real understanding, ask questions, and petition for help. Rather than faking it, make it by acknowledging the skills and experience of your colleagues at work and using your first job or internship as a learning experience. 許多新員工都想表現得比本來的自己更知識淵博。他們從來不提問。他們覺得自己需要知道答案,這樣才能夠對他所在的機構有價值,而且他們也不會承認自己缺乏經驗或難以理解一些問題。他們用自負來彌補缺乏自信。但沒有人會告訴你的是:沒人會被糊弄。沒人指望你在剛接觸工作時便無所不知,如果你真的想學點東西并快速成長你必須提出問題,尋求幫助從而真正理解。比起不懂裝懂,還不如承認你同時的技術和經驗,把你的第一份工作或實習當成一個學習的過程。 2. Never eat lunch alone. 不要單獨吃午飯 One of the best things about a new job is the incrediblelearning experience it provides. Every single person you'll work with in your new position —from the receptionist to the CEO —can teach you something valuable, and each of them can be a friend and mentor in your career. Many of the happiest and most successful people I know constantly ask questions and seek guidance from everyone around them. Your office is full of intelligent, thoughtful, and experienced people. Get to know them. Treat them with respect. Ask them questions. Learn from them. And have fun in the process. 關于一份新工作最好的東西就在于它能夠提供很多新的經驗。不管是前臺還是CEO,你總能在你工作中遇到的每一個人身上學到東西,他們每個人都可能成為你的朋友或事業的導師。我所認識的許多快樂而且成功的人都經常向他們周圍的人提出問題并尋求指導。你的辦公室里充滿了聰明、有想法、有經驗的人。了解他們,尊重他們,向他們提問,向他們學習,你就能發現其中的樂趣。 3. Work hard. 努力工作 Hard work can be at least as important as talent to professionalsuccess. The 10,000 hour rule, for example, maintains that to truly master a skill, a person must put in 10,000 hours of deliberate practice. And nothing signals seriousness to your employer like promptness, perseverance, and dedication. Over the long run, diligence will earn you the respect of your colleagues. 如果想在事業上取得成功,那努力工作至少和具有才華同等重要。按照“10000小時規則”,想要真正掌握一項技能,一定要投入至少10000小時的訓練。對于雇傭者來說,聰明,耐心和中心都不如努力能夠表現出一個人態度的認真。時間久了,勤奮會使同事對你產生尊重。 http://www.solarmaxlimited.com/【職場英語:初入職場菜鳥】相關文章: