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Cindy Alvarez directs user experience at Yammer. At the Failcon conference this week she did an insightful if uncomfortable talk about the five types of people she should have fired sooner. Cindy Alvarez在Yammer公司負責用戶體驗。她在本周的一次會議上提出了一個很具有洞察力的看法,當然這也讓人感到不太好受,那就是公司里老板應該趁早解雇的五種人。 1.The Early Hire: These are the people who begin working at a startup in its early days before the company knows what it will become. Over time, the business changes and suddenly that early hire does not quite fit in. It’s a tough situation for both parties but if the person is not the right fit anymore then it is even worse to put off the inevitable. 1.“開國功臣”型員工:這類員工在公司成立初期就已經加入了進來,當時的公司還不知道今后會發展成什么樣子。隨著時間的推移,公司業務發生了變化,而那些“開國功臣們”已經不再適應公司的發展了。這種情況對于公司和員工本人來說都很挺麻煩。但是如果員工真的不合適的話,那么就長痛不如短痛吧。 2.The Artist: The artists are common in startups. They are passionate and enthusiastic. They have great ideas. But when things don’t go their way, they drag their feet. They stop turning work in on time. The passion is not there. They will say: ”This is just not interesting to me.” They argue a lot if their idea does not get adopted. Their strong views tend to impact the team who tend to tiptoe around them due to their unbending views. At some point you can’t keep them around. 2.“藝術家”型員工:在創業型公司中,“藝術家”型的員工是很常見的。他們有激情、有活力,也有想法。但當事情不按照他們的想法發展的話,那么他們就會拖后腿了。他們不能按時完工,因為他們的興趣不在那里。他們會說,“我對這不感興趣。”如果他們的點子不被采納,他們會為此爭論不休。他們的強勢會讓團隊中的其他成員戰戰兢兢。到了這時候,這樣的“藝術家”型的員工就不能留。 3.The Structured One: These are not startup people. They may have the experience and built product like what the startup is developing. But they are not flexible enough to adapt to the ever-changing need to pivot, to do something that may not fit with their rigid views. 3.“墨守成規”型員工:這類員工不適合創業型公司。他們可能經驗豐富,可能開發過公司正在研發的產品。但他們不夠靈活,不能適應公司的發展進程,不會去做一些與他們保守的想法相悖的事情。 4.The Hand-Me-Down: The hand-me-down is desperate to get away from their boss and the boss wants to get away from them. They are not incompetent but they consistently make little mistakes that add up. Those mistakes have a deep impact on the rest of the team. 4.“雞肋”型員工:這類員工是絕對不會離開公司,但確是公司絕對需要解雇的一類人。他們辦事能力不高,小錯不斷。這些小錯加起來會對團隊中的其他成員產生不良影響。 5.The Failed Promotion: This is the person who delivered value in previous roles but in their new job they are just not cutting it. The person, the new role and the point in time of the startup may all contribute to the poor fit. It’s a step backward for the person to go back to their old job. Let them go and they may find a better role with a new company that better fits their skill sets. 5.“阿斗”型員工:這類員工往往在之前的工作中表現出色,一旦升職到新的崗位后就成了“扶不起的阿斗”了。這類員工和崗位不匹配的問題,有可能與員工自身能力、崗位設置和任職的時間有關。解決辦法就是,要不讓他回到原來的崗位上去,要不讓他走人,去新的公司找到更適合他的位置。 Alvarez makes it clear that to survive you need to cut people out who don’t work and cut them out fast. It’s better for them, for the founder and the overall organization. Alvarez的建議是,你需要趁早解雇這些不適合的員工,越快越好。這樣對他們好,對投資人好,對整個公司都好。 http://www.solarmaxlimited.com/












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