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  We can't articulate it,but we know a charming person when we seeone. It's that person at the party who seems to know everybody. He works thecrowd with such ease and has a positive aura about him, and everybody justseems drawn to him like steel to a magnet. He leaves people thinking “What a great guy!” and seems to have it all together.



  I would be a fool if I wrote an article on how to be charming if Iwasn't charming to begin with. I don't mean to say I'm the most charming man onthe face of the earth, but I do have my moments. I've reflected back on thosemoments, studied other charismatic people, read books on the subject, and askedother charismatic people to share their insights on this elusive trait. Youknow what I learned? Charisma is not genetic. It can be learned. On to the 8tips.


  1. Get your own life in order first.


  When everything is going right in your life, the world is youroyster. You're in the zone, you're on top of the world, you feel invincible,like everything has fallen into place just for you. You don't have a singleworry in the world and you feel like singing and dancing in the rain. With thiskind of mental state, it's a double edged sword. It can lead you to become themost charismatic person in the world, or the most obnoxious and boastful personin the world (more on how to not be the latter later onin this article)。


  You cannot fake charisma if you have problems going on in your life,whether it's trouble paying the bills, family issues, relationship problems,etc. That stuff will weigh you down.


  Get your life in order. Pay the bills, save some money in the bank,forgive other people, don't hold grudges, be courteous to all, resolve anyissues you have with people, have a passion in life, have a dream you'reworking on, eat right, exercise, etc. You will find that getting your acttogether will make it extremely easy for you to be charismatic, because thenyou can do the other half of what charismatic people do, and that is focus onthe other person.


  2. Exercise


  Exercise before attending any event or gathering (and please shower afterwards :) )。 It'llgive you the energy you need to emanate your glowing charm throughout the room.It'll get you in the right mindset of a being a happy positive person becauseof the endorphins circulating in your body. It'll give you that confidence tostart socializing. You'll be on your game. Everything will flow just rightbecause you feel like a million bucks.


  3. Wear the clothes


  You know what clothes I'm talking about. Everybody's got an outfitthat makes them feel like a million bucks. We all know that clothes make youfeel good. If you feel good, it'll be really easy to make others feel good. Andthe less worried you are about your appearance, the more you can focus on theother person. The more content you are with yourself (akaself confident), the more easier it will be to turn onthe charm.


  4. Pre-socialize


  I don't know why it is, but if I have socialized prior to attendinga gathering or event, I find it way easier to turn on the charm. What I mean bypre-socializing is just striking up conversations with any person you meet onthe way to the event; the store clerk, the people on the elevator, the securityguard, etc. Just some light conversation. Nothing heavy. How are you? Busy daytoday eh? I like your jacket. Do you mind me asking where you got it? I thinkpre-socializing gets you into the groove of easily being able to talk to anyperson, one of the key skills in becoming charming.


  When you get to the event













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