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本文是微軟元老級員工Philip Su在2010年離開微軟時寫下的離職信。信中字字珠璣,回顧了自己在微軟工作的12年所感受和領悟到的職場真諦。無論你是職場老手還是職場新人,相信都能從中獲得一些啟發。 Today was my last day at Microsoft, after 12 years straight out of college. I will start at Facebook next week as a developer in its Seattle office. 今天是我在微軟的最后一天。自從大學畢業,過去的 12 年里我一直都在微軟工作。下周起,我將以一個程序員的身份在Facebook西雅圖的辦公室重新開始。 Below is the email I sent to Microsoft colleagues on my last day. I loved Microsoft, every one of the past twelve awesome years. Here’s to new adventures! 在微軟的最后一天,我給同事們發了以下這封離職信。我愛微軟,過去12年都是如此,F在將會迎接新的挑戰! Original email below 離職信原文 Microsoft has been an awesome place to work over the past twelve years. Today is my last day. 過去的12 年里,我一直很喜歡在微軟工作,但是今天是我在微軟的最后一天。 I’ve always been somewhat random, so I’d like to end this whole adventure true to form: quirky, controversial, optimistic, seat-of-the-pants, with rarely a satisfying explanation. 我一直是一個比較隨意的人,所以我希望今天的信也一樣是有個性的、有爭議的、樂觀的、憑感覺的,而可能沒有讓人讀后很滿意的答案。 Don’t look for coherence below – you won’t find it. And if parts of this offend you, it’s probably because you don’t know me well enough – I offend people inadvertently all the time, almost as a rule. 請不要在我的信里找連貫性,因為你是不會找到的。如果有內容冒犯了你,那你可能不太了解我,因為我經常會在無意中冒犯到別人,幾乎已經成為了定律。 Thanks for everything. 謝謝所有的一切。 In college, I never thought I’d work for Microsoft. Then I interned in 1997 and fell in love: free sodas, individual offices (with doors!), Pentium 66’s – what more could a coder ask? Years later, my manager from the internship quit suddenly when his hard drive crashed, erasing weeks of code that hadn’t been checked in. He said it was a sign from God. I have no idea what he’s doing these days. 上大學時,我從來沒有想過在微軟工作。但我1997 年的時候在微軟實習后,就對它一見鐘情:免費的飲料、自己的辦公室、奔騰66... 一個程序員還能要求什么?幾年后,我實習時的老板突然離職了。他電腦的硬盤當時發生了故障,丟失了幾個月的工作。他說這是一個來自上天的征兆。我不知道他現在人在哪里,在做些什么事情。 People often complain after getting a “bad” review that their manager has a distorted and inaccurate view of them. Don’t you think that, of all the people in the world, the person reviewed would have the most biased view of their own performance? I sometimes gently suggest this. People don’t believe me. 人們在拿到一個不好的業績審查后總是會抱怨老板和上級不公平而且不客觀。但是你不覺得,每個人對自己的評估其實是最不客觀的嗎?我有時會平和地告訴別人這一點,但是沒有人信。 Choose carbs. Eat dessert first. 吃點碳水化合物。吃飯時先吃甜點。 Use Occam’s Razor in interpersonal relations: look for the simplest, most straightforward explanation that assumes the best of everybody. Stay away from people who always have a conspiracy theory involving twisted office politics, unfulfilled Machiavellian ambitions, and unspoken agendas. 在處理人際關系是,我們應該運用奧卡姆剃刀原理(小編注:奧卡姆剃刀定律又稱“奧康的剃刀”,是由14世紀邏輯學家、圣方濟各會修士奧卡姆的威廉提出。這個原理稱為“如無必要,勿增實體”,即“簡單有效原理”。),也就是對于別人的行為,找到最簡單,最信任別人的解釋。對那些愛搞辦公室政治,勾心斗角的人敬而遠之。 Anonymous college course evaluations often ask for the student’s grade in the class. Turns out that there’s a strong correlation between a student’s grade and their assessment of the professor’s abilities. I don’t listen too carefully when a poor performer tells me how awful their previous manager was. My ears perk up when a star performer constructively criticizes their management.【微軟元老回首職場生涯12年】相關文章: