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In this slow economy, employees are so afraid of making mistakes that they're not up with par to their creative potential. 經濟形勢低迷導致員工都不敢在工作中犯錯,從而抑制了他們的創造潛力。 According to a recent study by Robert Half International, a staffing agency, workers are so focused on following policies that they don't want to take risks.And companies need employees to take chances in order to promote creativity. 羅致恒富(人力資源公司)最近的一項研究表明,員工在公司里被要求循規蹈矩,所以他們變得不愿意去冒險了。而企業則需要員工抓住一切機會去創新。 In 2011, workers were so afraid of "appearing less dedicated" that they didn't take 70 percent, or 11 days, of their vacation benefits. 2011年,由于害怕自己的工作表現不夠積極,上班族普遍放棄了70%(11天)的休假福利。 Here are other highlights from the survey: 以下是本次調研的其他重點: 30 percent of people said their biggest fear is making a mistake. 三成的人說自己最怕犯錯。 18 percent said they are scared of difficult consumers or clients. 18%的人說自己害怕遇到難纏的客戶。 15 percent said they are afraid of conflicts with a manager. 15%的人說自己害怕與經理(上司)發生沖突。 13 percent of workers are afraid of speaking in front of others. 13%的人害怕在眾人前發言。 13 percent of workers are fearful of arguing with their co-workers. 13%的人害怕與同事發生爭執。 In order to promote fearlessness at work, employers need to learn how to truly trust their workers. This will give employees more space to come up with their own solutions when things don't go as planned. Eventually, this way of thinking will encourage innovation and promote fresh, new solutions to the same old problems. 要想減少員工在工作中的恐懼感,雇主們需要學會如何真正信任自己的員工,以便在出現突發情況時,雇員們能夠有更大的發揮空間,找出解決的辦法。而這種思維方式最終也會促進員工創新能力的提升,他們會采用新的方式去解決老問題。 http://www.solarmaxlimited.com/【工作上:不怕犯錯誤】相關文章: