- 相關(guān)推薦
Read the following passage,I think many problems should be discussed in paragraph six, many(.Many) people have felt that if they are rich they could buy happiness for themselves . however (However)author says that steady improvements in the economy are not accompanied by a steady increase in people’s assessments of their own happiness. Why Money doesn't always bring happiness? Author only mentions that people become less satisfid(satisfied) over time with a given level of income in the article. but(But) in my a(a 刪去) opinion economic growing(growth) brings wealth and it also brings strong competition. people(People) have Under(Under刪去) great pressure. So you can not buy happiness.
Author rehearses many of (of刪去)examples to explain the typical(topic). First, happy people like themselves. Second, they can feel personal control .third(Third) happy people are usually optimistic .fourth(Fourth) happy people tend to be extroverted.
李先輩擢第,李先輩擢第趙嘏,李先輩擢第的意思,李先輩擢第賞析 -詩詞大全03-13
第22 課《豐碑》04-30