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摘要:金屬元素,特別是重金屬元素是造紙污泥資源化利用需要考慮的因素.采用ICP-AES法測定安徽山鷹紙業2種造紙污泥,福建青山紙業1種造紙污泥,福建中竹紙業1種造紙污泥的17種金屬元素.結果顯示,4種造紙污泥都含有不同量的金屬元素,其中Al和Ca的含量最大,既有毒性較大的重金屬,如Cr,也有過量才具有毒性的金屬,如Fe,還有對植物生長有益的P和K等.福建中竹紙業污泥各元素的同收率為94.4%~107.3%.重金屬元素含量低于國家標準GB/4284-84.重金屬含量的順序為:福建中竹紙業<福建青山紙業污泥<安徽山鷹紙業污泥.此測定結果可為造紙污泥的資源化利用,尤其是土地利用和肥料利用提供重要的理論參考.Abstract:Metal elements, especially the heavy metal element, need to be considered for resource utilization of paper sludge. Seventeen kinds of metal elements were determined by ICP-AES method, which were form two kinds of paper sludge from Anhui Shanying paper mill, one kind of paper sludge from Fujian Qingshan paper mill, and one kind of paper sludge from Fujian Zhong-zhu paper mill. The results show that there are different amounts of metal elements in the 4 kinds of paper sludge including poisonous metal elements, such as Cr, etc, metal element which is poisonous when excessive, such as Fe, etc, and P and K which are beneficial for plant growth. Al and Ca contents are maximal. The recovery ratio for Fujian Zhongzhu paper mill obtained by standard addition method is 94. 4%-107. 3%. Heavy metal elements content lower than the national standard GB/4284-84 Control standards for pollutions in sludge form agricultural use. The order of heavy metal elements content is paper sludge from Fujian Zhongzhu paper mill <paper sludge from Fujian Qingshan paper mill<paper sludge from Anhui Shanying paper mill. The results provide theoretical directions for resource utilization of paper sludge, especially for agricultural utilization and land utilization. 作者: 劉賢淼[1]江澤慧[2]費本華[1]任海青[3]傅峰[3] Author: LIU Xian-miao[1] JIANG Ze-hui[2] FEI Ben-hua[1] REN Hai-qing[3] FU Feng[3] 作者單位: 國家林業局北京林業機械研究所,北京,100029國際竹藤網絡中心,北京,1001023中國林業科學研究院木材工業研究所,北京,100091 期 刊: 光譜學與光譜分析 ISTICEISCIPKU Journal: SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 年,卷(期): 2010, 30(1) 分類號: X793 關鍵詞: 造紙污泥 ICP-AES法 金屬元素 重金屬元素 資源化利用 Keywords: Paper sludges ICP-AES method Metal element Heavy metal element Resource utilization 機標分類號: TS7 X70 機標關鍵詞: ICP-AES法 測定 造紙污泥 重金屬元素含量 Paper Heavy metal elements paper resource utilization 中竹紙業 the national standard 資源化利用 福建 especially heavy metal element 山鷹紙業 青山紙業 results recovery ratio 重金屬含量 污泥資源化 基金項目: 國家林業局948引進項目,支撐項目【ICP-AES法測定造紙污泥中金屬元素】相關文章: