
時間:2023-05-06 17:17:07 環境保護論文 我要投稿
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摘要:為提高三維熒光光譜水質分析的精度,提出一種選擇性模型組合方法,采用相關系數法對三維熒光光譜激發波長進行選擇,并將被選中的激發波長下的熒光發射光譜水質分析子模型采用嶺回歸法進行模型組合,得到對水質指標的組合模型.以一組總有機碳(TOC)范圍在3.41~125.35 mg·L~(-1),化學需氧量(COD)范圍在22.80~330.60 mg·L~(-1)的32個地表水和城市生活污水水樣做為研究對象,對其三維熒光光譜220~400脅范圍內的10個激發波長采用上述方法進行選擇,分別針對TOC和COD指標篩選出260,280,400 nm和220,280,400 nm各3個激發波長.采用部分最小二乘方法建立上述激發波長下熒光發射光譜水質分析子模型,根據嶺回歸法計算各子模型的組合系數,分別得到對TOC和COD指標的組合模型.實驗結果表明:采用該方法得到的組合模型對TOC和COD兩種指標的預測誤差均方根(RMSEP)相比精度最高的單一熒光發射光譜子模型分別減小了15.4%和17.5%,相比未經模型選擇的組合模型分別減小了6.1%和10.9%.Abstract:A selective model combination method is proposed in this paper to improve the precision of water quality analysis with three dimensional fluorescence spectra. A correlation coefficient criterion was designed to select effective excitation wavelengths for sub-models building, based on which the ridge regression method was adopted to combine the selected sub-models to get the stacked model Thirty two samples from surface water and urban wastewater were used as research objects with total organic carbon (TOC) index from 3. 41 to 125. 35 mg·L~(-1) , and chemical oxygen demand (COD) index from 22.80 to 330. 60 mg·L~(-1) , and 10 excitation wavelengths in the range of 220-400 nm were adopted to generate three dimensional fluorescence spectra. Following the proposed correlation coefficient criterion, the excitation wavelengths of 260, 280 and 400 nm, and the excitation wavelengths of 220, 280 and 400 nm were selected respectively for TOC analysis and COD analysis, based on which two stacked models were built by using partial least square regression method for sub-models building and ridge regression method for sub-models combination. The experimental results show that, compared with the sub-models with the best prediction precision, the root mean square errors of prediction (RMSEP) of the stacked models decreased by 15.4% for TOC analysis, and 17.5% for COD analysis; and compared with the models without sub-models selection, the RMSEP of the stacked models decreased by 6.1% for TOC analysis and 10.9% for COD analysis. 作者: 武曉莉[1]李艷君[2]吳鐵軍[3] Author: WU Xiao-li[1]  LI Yan-jun[2]  WU Tie-jun[3] 作者單位: 浙江科技學院,浙江,杭州,310023浙江大學城市學院,浙江,杭州,310015浙江大學工業控制技術國家重點實驗室,浙江,杭州,310027 期 刊: 光譜學與光譜分析   ISTICEISCIPKU Journal: SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 年,卷(期): 2010, 30(4) 分類號: X832 O657.3 關鍵詞: 三維熒光光譜    模型組合    激發波長選擇    模型選擇    總有機碳    化學需氧量    Keywords: 3-D fluorescence spectra    Model combination    Excitation wavelength selection    Model selection    Total organic carbon    Chemical oxygen demand    機標分類號: TN2 O65 機標關鍵詞: 選擇性    模型組合    三維熒光光譜    水質分析    分析方法    Combination    Model    Based    Fluorescence Spectra    quality analysis    regression method    correlation coefficient    激發波長    熒光發射光譜    three dimensional    組合模型    子模型    TOC    fluorescence    COD 基金項目: 國家(863計劃)項目












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