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Accumulation of heavy metals in four grasses grown on lead and zinc mine tailings
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted to compare the growth and metal accumulation of Vertiveria zizanioides, Paspalum notatum, Cynodon dactylon and Imperata cylindraca var. major on the tailings, amended with 10 cm domestic refuse + complex fertilizer(NPK; Treatment A), 10 cm domestic refuse(Treatment B) and complex fertilizer (NPK; Treatment C) respectively, and without any amendment used as control(Treatment D). The results indicated that V. zizanioides was a typical heavy metal excluder, because the concentrations in shoots of the plants were the lowest among the four plants tested. The most of metal accumulated in V. zizanioides distributed in its root, and transportation of metal in this plant from root to shoot was restricted. Therefore, V. zizanioides was more suitable for phytostabilization of toxic mined lands than P. notatum and C. dactylon, which accumulated a relatively high level of metals in their shoots and roots. It was also found that I. cylindraca var. major accumulated lower amounts of Pb, Zn and Cu than C. dactylon and P. notatum, and could also be considered for phytostalilisaton of tailings. Although the metal(Pb, Zn and Cu) concentrations in shoots and roots of V. zizanioides were the lowest, the total amounts of heavy metals accumulated in shoots of V. zizanioides were the highest among the four tested plants due to the highest dry weight yield of it. The results indicated that V. zizanioides was the best choice among the four species used for phytoremediation(for both phytostabilization and phytoextraction) of metal contaminated soils. 作 者: SHU Wen-Sheng ZHAO Yun-lin YANG Bing XIA Han-ping LAN Chong-Yu 作者單位: SHU Wen-Sheng,YANG Bing,LAN Chong-Yu(School of Life Sciences,State Key Laboratory for Bio-Control,Sun Yatsen(Zhongshan) University,Guangzhou 510275,China)ZHAO Yun-lin(Hunan City College,Yiyang 413049,China)
XIA Han-ping(South China Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510650,China)
期 刊: 環境科學學報(英文版) ISTICSCI Journal: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 年,卷(期): 2004, 16(5) 分類號: X503 Keywords: Pb/Zn tailings heavy metals phytoremediation Vertiveria zizanioides Paspalum notatum Cynodon dactylon Imperata cylindraca var. major【Accumulation of heavy metals in four】相關文章:
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