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摘要: 以中國為研究區域,利用CanMETOP模型模擬了2005年大氣中α-六六六(α-HCH)濃度的變化,并分析了東亞夏季風對我國東部地區大氣中α-HCH濃度時空分布的影響.模擬結果表明,6月15日-8月15日期間,東北、華北和東南地區的α-HCH平均大氣濃度分別為260 pg·m~(-3),74 pg·m~(-3)和41 pg·m~(-3).大氣濃度具有明顯的時空分布特征,從6月15日在我國東南地區開始出現了較高的大氣濃度堆集,6月24日達到最大值(259 pg·m~(-3)).在向我國北部傳輸過程中,7月1日在東北形成的氣旋區域出現最大值(1947pg·m~(-3)).此后,東南地區的大氣濃度均處于較低的水平(<50 pg·m~(-3)),而東北地區的大氣濃度一直處于100-350 pg·m~(-3)之間的較高水平.分析結果表明,東亞夏季風可以將東南地區大氣中的α-HCH傳輸至東北地區,并在東北區域堆集. Abstract: Air concentration of α-HCH was simulated by using CanMETOP model in regional scale in 2005. The temporal and spatial patterns of α-HCH atmospheric concentrations in eastern region of China caused by East Asian Summer Monsoon was analyzed. The simulated results showed that the mean air concentrations of the pesticide in northeast, mid-east and southeast were 260 pg · m~(-3), 74 pg · m~(-3) and 41 pg · m~(-3) from June 15 to August 15, respectively. The concentration appeared to accumulate in southeastern region since June 15, and reached the largest value in the region on June 24 (259 pg · m~(-3)) . When α-HCH was transported from southeastern to northeastern region, the highest air concentration in northeast region occurred on July 1 (1947 pg. m~(-3)). Hereafter, while air concentrations of α-HCH in southeastern region were lower than 50 pg·m~(-3), those in northeastern region were still at a higher level, ranged from 100 to 350 pg · m~(-3). It was suggested that East Asian summer monsoon can carry α-HCH from the southeast of China to the northeast of China by atmospheric transport, and accumulate the insecticide in the air of the latter. 作 者: 田崇國 馬萬里 徐殿斗 馬建民 李一凡 TIAN Chong-guo MA Wan-li XU Dian-dou MA Jian-min LI Yi-fan 作者單位: 田崇國,馬萬里,TIAN Chong-guo,MA Wan-li(哈爾濱工業大學市政環境工程學院,城市水資源與水環境國家重點實驗室國際持久性有毒物質聯合研究中心,哈爾濱,150090)徐殿斗,XU Dian-dou(中國科學院高能物理研究所核分析技術重點實驗室國際持久性有毒物質聯合研究中心,北京,100049)
馬建民,MA Jian-min(加拿大環境部科學技術局,名倫名,M3H5T4)
李一凡,LI Yi-fan(哈爾濱工業大學市政環境工程學院,城市水資源與水環境國家重點實驗室國際持久性有毒物質聯合研究中心,哈爾濱,150090;加拿大環境部科學技術局,名倫名,M3H5T4)
期 刊: 環境化學 ISTICPKU Journal: ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 年,卷(期): 2009, 28(6) 分類號: X13 關鍵詞: α-HCH 東亞夏季風 大氣傳輸 氣旋. Keywords: α-HCH east Asian summer monsoon air transport cyclone.【模擬東亞夏季風對中國東部地區大氣中α-六六六(α-HCH)時空分布的影響】相關文章: