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摘要: 分析了上海市道路灰塵鉑族元素(PGEs)累積水平和分布特征,并探討了來源變化.樣品經王水消解后由ICP-MS測定.研究結果表明,上海市道路灰塵Rh,Pd,Pt濃度分別達到:27.68(61.05-4.50)ng·g~(-1),107.72(12.98-241.4)ng·g~(-1)和34.89(0.36-108.6)ng·g~(-1),分別是參照點的18.33倍、11.12倍和65.83倍,高出地殼豐度值兩個數量級以上,與國際其他城市道路灰塵PGEs水平相比,Pt含量較低,Pd和Rh含量處于中間水平;內環-中環區間的道路灰塵PGEs含基最高,從此區域分別往城區內和城區外,PGEs含鼉逐漸降低,至郊區道路,灰塵PGEs含量達到最低,車流量及道路是否限行高污染車輛是主要致因;不同類型道路PGEs濃度水平表現為:快速路(包括環線)>主干道>次干道>高速公路>郊區公路,道路類型會對PGEs分布產生較大的影響,但并沒有對其產生決定性作用;PGEs間相關性很好,汽車催化轉化器(VECs)排放是道路灰塵PGEs主要來源,Pd含量遠高于Pt和Rh,不同于大多數文獻的研究結果,VECs類型發生變化是主要原因;同為交通污染排放的元素,Cr與PGEs的相關性很好,Cu與PGEs之間有一定相關性,Zn只與Pt有相關性,而Ph與PGEs沒有相關性,Pb和Zn為汽車催化劑毒物是主要原因. Abstract: Platinum group elements (PGEs) levels in road dust from Shanghai were measured, and their spatial variation and sources were discussed as well. Road dust samples were analysed by ICP-MS following aqua regia digestion. PGEs levels in all samples were above the average upper crust values, with concentrations of 27.68 (61.05-4.50) ng · g~(-1) Rh , 107.72 (12.98-241.40) ng · g~(-1) Pd and 34.89 (0.36-108.60) ng ·g~(-1) Pt , respectively, Pd and Rh concentrations were in the middle level and Pt concentrations were lower, in comparison with international cities. Highest pollution occurred between inner ring and middle ring, while lowest values were presented from outer ring to suburb. The rank of PGEs levels in different type of roads was: Elevated Road (Including Ring Line) > Trunk Road > Secondary road > Expressway > Suburban road. Levels of the three elements showed strongly positive correlation. Preliminary results for the anthropogenic Rh, Pd and Pt emissions in Shanghai, based on dust samples, indicated a common traffic-related source of these metals. The average Pd concentration was higher than Pt and Rh, which differed from most previous studies. Meanwhile, the average PGEs ratios of road dust samples from Shanghai were inconsistent with Ely's result. These differences were contributed by the change of vehicle exhaust catalyst type. PGEs in these samples were not correlated with Pb and only Pt were correlated with Zn , though positive correlations with Cr and Cu were evident. This lack of statistically significant relationships can be explained by the fact that Pb and Zn are known as poisoning agents for autocatalysts. 作 者: 劉玉燕 劉敏 程書波 LIU Yu-yan LIU Min CHENG Shu-bo 作者單位: 劉玉燕,LIU Yu-yan(華東師范大學地理系,上海,200062;新疆昌吉學院化工系,昌吉,831100)劉敏,程書波,LIU Min,CHENG Shu-bo(華東師范大學地理系,上海,200062)
期 刊: 環境化學 ISTICPKU Journal: ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 年,卷(期): 2009, 28(6) 分類號: X13 關鍵詞: 道路灰塵 PGEs 富集特征. Keywords: road dust PGEs enrichment features.【上海市道路灰塵中鉑族元素(PGEs)富集特征】相關文章: