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利用Google Earth研究構造對喀斯特地貌的控制和對碳酸鹽巖巖系風化成土的影響
摘要: 通過互聯網Google Earth歐洲衛星圖像資料的觀察,發現貴州喀斯特地區碳酸鹽巖風化成土能力與地層巖性、構造和地貌等密切相關.二疊系生物礁石漠化顯著,成土能力差;三疊系大冶組薄層灰巖成土能力高,很少有石漠化;地層傾角大的碳酸鹽巖區,石漠化不顯著;地層平緩的碳酸鹽巖區,石漠化強或中等,碳酸鹽巖風化成土能力中等.另外,大型節理帶對碳酸鹽巖風化成土具有明顯的控制作用,節理帶碳酸鹽巖溶蝕相對強烈,常形成低洼地形,碳酸鹽巖風化成土速率較高,紅粘土堆積相對厚,不容易石漠化;而節理帶間的區域往往地形較高,是石漠化易發育的區域. Abstract: The landscape of Guizhou Province was observed by the Google Earth System(2007 Europa Teehnologies image)in internet,revealing close relationship among karst morphology and carbonate-derived laterite and lithology and tectonics from the digital images.The digital image of Permian reef limestone in Luodian County,southern Guizhou shows strong rocky desertifieation,and carbonate-derived laterite is low in pedogenesis.The digital image of thin limestone of the Triassic Daye Formation shows low rocky desertification,and carbonate-derived laterite is very high in pedogenesis.The high dip angle(>40°)carbonate area shows weak rocky desertifieation.and the lower dip angle(<10°)carbohate area shows middle tO strong carbonate laterite,the rocky desertification is middle to serious.The carbonate solution and laterite are very high long the large joint zone in the carbonate area,a series of depressions was developed along the large joint zone.Additionally,strong carbonate-derived laterite toke place in the depression zone,and a lot of soil was deposited in the depression zone.Theretore,carbonate-derived laterite is low on the upland between the depression zones,and the rocky desertification is serious. 作 者: 楊瑞東 魏曉 文雪峰 盛學庸 YANG Rui-dong WEI Xiao WEN Xue-feng SHENG Xue-yong 作者單位: 楊瑞東,魏曉,文雪峰,YANG Rui-dong,WEI Xiao,WEN Xue-feng(貴州大學,貴陽,550025)盛學庸,SHENG Xue-yong(貴州地質礦產局,貴陽,550004)
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