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摘要: 選取自然條件類似但工業化、城鎮化水平明顯差異的鄭州市、中牟縣和韓寺鎮,在野外調查取樣、室內化驗分析的基礎上,運用地積累指數法比較了土壤Pb、Cd、Zn、Cr、Cu、Ni等6種重金屬元素的污染特征.結果表明:(1)城鎮土壤主要污染元素為Pb、Cd、Zn、Cr,基本上不存在Cu、Ni元素的外源性累積;由于受人為活動干擾,城鎮土壤重金屬元素具有強烈的變異性.(2)城鎮土壤Pb和CA污染主要與工業、交通廢氣沉降有關,Zn污染除工業、交通因素外,還與居民日常生活廢棄物排放密切相關;工業區、交通密集區以及居民區土壤重金屬污染程度顯著高于其他功能區.(3)Pb和Cd在各研究區的累積程度的大小順序為鄭州市區>韓寺鎮區>中牟縣城>對照區,Zn為中牟縣城>鄭州市區>韓寺鎮區>對照區,而Cr污染除在對照區略小之外,其他三個區域相差不大;不同級別城鎮土壤重金屬污染的差異是人為活動的歷史累積作用和近年來城鎮化、工業化影響作用相互疊加的結果. Abstract: An attempt was made to investigate heavy metal pollution in urban soils as exemplified by Zhengzhou City, Zhongmu County and Hansi Town, which share similar natural conditions but have different levels of urbanization and industrialization.The contents of Pb, CA, Cu, Zn, Cr and Ni in soil samples, eolleeted from these areas mentioned above, were analyzed through indoor determination. By adopting the approach of index of geoaeeumulation, the results showed that: (1) The main contaminated elements in urban soils are Pb, Cd, Zn and Cr. However, there does not basically exist exogenous accumulation of Cu and Ni. Due to artificial disturbance, heavy metals in urban soils show great variability. (2) Pollution of Pb and Cd is chiefly caused by waste gases from traffic transportation and industrial activities, and Zn pollution is mainly caused by residential daily lives, traffic transportation and industrial activities. The pollution degree of heavy metals in industrial districts, traffic areas and residential regions is obviously higher than that of other urban functional types. (3) The accumulated pollution of Pb and Cd in these study areas follows the order of Zhengzhou City>Hansi Town>Zhongmu County>contrasted area, and Zn follows the order of Zhongmu County>Zhengzhou City>Hansi Town>contrasted area, but Cr pollution among these three town areas changes little, with the exception that Cr pollution is slight in the contrasted area. Differences in heavy metal contaminations for the three urban soils are due to long-term accumulation effects of human activities as well as urbanization and industrialization in recent years. 作 者: 楚純潔 馬建華 朱玉濤 CHU Chun-jie MA Jian-hua ZHU Yu-tao 作者單位: 楚純潔,CHU Chun-jie(平頂山學院環境與地理科學系,河南,平頂山,467000)馬建華,MA Jian-hua(河南大學資源與環境研究所,河南,開封,475004)
朱玉濤,ZHU Yu-tao(江蘇省鎮江市海事局,江蘇,鎮江,212000)
期 刊: 地球與環境 ISTICPKU Journal: EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT 年,卷(期): 2009, 37(4) 分類號: X508 X132 S15 關鍵詞: 城鎮土壤 重金屬污染 地積累指數 鄭州市 中牟縣 韓寺鎮 Keywords: urban soils heavy metal contamination geoaeeumulation index Zhengzhou City Zhongmu County Hansi Town【不同級別城鎮土壤重金屬污染狀況比較分析-以鄭州市、中牟縣和韓寺鎮為例】相關文章:
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