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摘要:運用郎繆爾-布爾吉特法在聚酰亞胺襯底上制備聚偏氟乙烯及三氟乙烯(P(VDF-TrFE))共聚物薄膜.不同厚度薄膜的X射線衍射結果表明,薄膜具有良好的結晶特性,取向為(110).運用波長范圍為300~1300nm的橢圓偏振光譜儀對薄膜光學特性進行了表征;運用Cauchy模型對不同角度(θ=75°和85°)測得的Ψ和Δ數據進行了擬合.獲得了P(VDF-TrFE)薄膜的光學參數n, k, α以及薄膜的厚度.另外對薄膜的鐵電性質的測量,其剩余極化達到了6.3μC/cm2, 矯頑電場為100MV/cm.介電測量得到了薄膜兩個明顯的相變,鐵電-介電相變以及β弛豫.Abstract:Poly (vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) thin films were deposited on polyimide substrate using horizontal Langmuir-Blodgett(LB) technology. X-ray diffractions indicate that the films have good crystallinity with (110) preferential orientation for films with different thickness. The optical dispersion of the films were measured by variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry. The data Ψ and Δ at multiple incident angels (θ=75° and 85°) were fitted using the Cauchy model. The refractive index, extinction coefficient,absorption coefficient and thickness of each film were obtained. The ferroelectric of the films were studied. The remnant polarization is up to 6.3μC/cm2. The coercive field is 100MV/cm. The dielectric measurement for the film shows two distinctive phase transitions, ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition and β relaxation. 作者: 王建祿 孟祥建 高艷卿 黃志明 沈宏 孫璟蘭 褚君浩 Author: WANG Jian-Lu MENG Xiang-Jian GAO Yan-Qing HUANG Zhi-Ming SHEN Hong SUN Jing-Lan CHU Jun-Hao 作者單位: 中國科學院上海技術物理研究所,紅外物理國家重點實驗室,上海,200083 期 刊: 紅外與毫米波學報 ISTICEISCIPKU Journal: JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES 年,卷(期): 2010, 29(6) 分類號: PM22+1 關鍵詞: LB技術 P(VDF-TrFE)薄膜 橢圓偏振光譜 電學特性 Keywords: Langmuir-Blodgett technology P(VDF-TrFE) films spectroscopic ellipsometry electric property 機標分類號: O48 TH7 機標關鍵詞: 法制備 共聚物薄膜 薄膜光學特性 電學 特性研究 POLY ELECTRIC PROPERTIES LANGMUIR-BLODGETT dielectric measurement remnant polarization phase transitions Langmuir-Blodgett refractive index 橢圓偏振光譜儀 coercive field Cauchy 聚偏氟乙烯 different 相變 鐵電性質 基金項目: National Natural Science Foundation of China,Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai LB法制備的P(VDF-TrFE)共聚物薄膜其光學和電學特性研究[期刊論文] 紅外與毫米波學報 --2010, 29(6)王建祿 孟祥建 高艷卿 黃志明 沈宏 孫璟蘭 褚君浩運用郎繆爾-布爾吉特法在聚酰亞胺襯底上制備聚偏氟乙烯及三氟乙烯(P(VDF-TrFE))共聚物薄膜.不同厚度薄膜的X射線衍射結果表明,薄膜具有良好的結晶特性,取向為(110).運用波長范圍為300~1300nm的橢圓偏振光譜儀對薄膜光學...【LB法制備的P(VDF-TrFE)共聚物薄膜其光學和電學特性研究】相關文章: