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摘要:以大腸桿菌和金黃色葡萄球菌做模型檢測抗菌活性,選擇L-929細胞通過MTT法評價毒性.結果證明納米銀具有顯著的抗菌活性且呈劑量依賴性;不論在液體培養基還是固體培養基,30×10濃度產生的抗菌作用大于50%,但有潛在的細胞毒性;即使在3×10濃度下.細胞毒性達到2級,有26%,~50%的細胞生長受到抑制.Abstract:E. coil and S. aureus were used as model for testing antimicrobial activity, and L-929 cell line was selected for toxicity evaluation by cellular mitochondrial function(MTT assay). The results show that silver nanoparticles(Ag NPs)can significantly in-crease antibacterial activity with the increasing of concentration of the silver nanoparticles. The lowest effective concentration of silver nanoparticles(30 X 10)which leads to more than 50% of inhibition in liquid medium and agar plate on bacterias is still satis-factory but will produce potential cytotoxicity. Even at 3 x 10 concentration of silver nanoparticles the cytotoxicity still exists with 2grade which represents 26%-50% of cell growth inhibited, and 30×10 displays similar impact. 作者: 李新平[1]李勝利[2]張淼濤[1]張文龍[1]李創宏[1] Author: Li Xinping[1] Li Shengli[2] Zhang Miaotao[1] Zhang Wenlong[1] Li Chuanghong[1] 作者單位: 西北農林科技大學,陜西,楊凌,712100中國農業大學動物營養國家重點實驗室,北京,100083 期 刊: 稀有金屬材料與工程 ISTICEISCIPKU Journal: RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 年,卷(期): 2011, 40(2) 分類號: Q2 關鍵詞: 納米銀 大腸桿菌 金黃色葡萄球菌 抗菌活性 細胞毒性 Keywords: silver nanoparticles S. aureus E. coli antibacterial activity cytotoxicity 機標分類號: O6 P61 機標關鍵詞: 納米銀 抗菌活性 細胞毒性評價 Ag Nanoparticles silver nanoparticles antimicrobial activity antibacterial activity toxicity evaluation 金黃色葡萄球菌 cell growth 液體培養基 劑量依賴性 固體培養基 L-929細胞 effective cell line 細胞生長 濃度 模型檢測 抗菌作用 基金項目: National Natural Science Foundation of China【納米銀抗菌活性和細胞毒性評價】相關文章: