
時間:2023-05-06 16:31:14 生物醫學論文 我要投稿
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摘要:鐵(Fe)是藻類生長所必需的微最營養元素,在藻類對氮的吸收、固氮菌對氮的固定、葉綠素合成、卟啉生物合成、光合作用電子傳輸等生物過程中發揮著非常重要的作用.因此在水體富營養化治理過程中,除了要注意控制氮、磷的輸入,還應考慮Fe的調控作用.遙感技術是監測水體富營養化的有效措施,應用遙感技術可以實時、大面積監測水體中藻類的生長分布情況.水體中Fe濃度的波動會使藻類細胞的代謝活動發生變化,進而反映在藻類反射光譜上,而地物特征與其光譜特征的關系是解譯遙感影像的關鍵;研究Fe的藻類光譜效應,對于闡明湖泊中水華爆發與Fe的關系、分析水華爆發的動態過程以及建立湖泊富營養化遙感預警體系都具有重要的意義.文章基于Fe假說,綜述了Fe對藻類生長的重要作用及藻類光譜研究進展,并對Fe的藻類光譜效應在水體富營養化遙感預警機制研究領域的應用進行了展望.Abstract:Iron is an essential micronutrient of phytoplankton. Iron plays an important role in many biological processes such as nitrogen assimilation, N_2 fixation, photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport, and porphyrin biosynthesis. Therefore, the regulation effects of iron should be considered besides nitrogen and phosphorus during the treatment of eutrophication lakes process. Remote sensing technology has been recognized as an effective measure in monitoring eutrophicated water bodies which could be used to timely monitor the distribution and growth status of algal on a large scale. The iron concentration fluctuation may have an important influence on the metabolic activity of the algal cells, and the spectral reflectivity could reflect the physio-logical characteristics of algal The relationship between land features and their spectral characteristics is important for the inter-pretation of remote sensing images. Studies of algal spectral propertises under different iron-supply would be meaningful for de-termining the bloom and developing the remote sensing warning system of lake eutrophication. In the present paper, the effects of iron on the growth of algal and the advances in studies of algal spectrum are summarized based on the iron hypothesis. Fur-thermore, the application of spectral properties of algal under different iron-supply in early-warning mechanism of lake eutrophi-cation is prospected. 作者: 遲光宇[1]陳欣[2]史奕[2]鄭太輝[1] Author: CHI Guang-yu[1]  CHEN Xin[2]  SHI Yi[2]  ZHENG Tai-hui[1] 作者單位: 中國科學院沈陽應用生態研究所陸地生態過程重點實驗室,遼寧沈陽,110016;中國科學院研究生院,北京,100049中國科學院沈陽應用生態研究所陸地生態過程重點實驗室,遼寧沈陽,110016 期 刊: 光譜學與光譜分析   ISTICEISCIPKU Journal: SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 年,卷(期): 2009, 29(12) 分類號: Q178 關鍵詞: 鐵    藻類    光譜    水體富營養化    Keywords: Iron    Algal    Spectrum    Lake eutrophication    機標分類號: TP3 X14 機標關鍵詞: 藻類生長    光譜識別    remote sensing    水體富營養化    Remote sensing technology    nitrogen and phosphorus    distribution and growth    遙感技術    biological processes    spectral properties    electron transport    different    水華爆發    光譜效應    warning system    Studies    湖泊富營養化    relationship    application    葉綠素合成 基金項目: 國家自然科學基金,中日國際合作項目












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