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摘要:加熱爐是熱軋生產中主要的能源消耗設備,其合理調度對于降低生產過程的能耗和生產成本都具有重要作用.根據加熱爐的生產工藝和約束條件建立了加熱爐優化調度數學模型,針對模型特點提出了分散搜索(scattersearch,SS)算法,設計了基于隨機變量序列的投票組合算子和單點交叉組合算子.根據國內某鋼鐵企業加熱爐生產過程的實績隨機生成40個測試案例,進行實驗,分析了參考集規模及不同組合算子對SS算法性能的影響,并與遺傳局域搜索(genetic local search,GLS)算法的求解結果進行了比較.結果表明所提出的模型和算法對解決本文研究的加熱爐調度問題有效.Abstract:Reheating furnace is the major equipment in the hot-rolled production.Improving the scheduling of reheating furnace is an effective way to reduce the energy consumption and production costs.According to the production process and constraints on the reheating furnace,we propose a mathematical model for scheduling the reheating furnace,and present a scatter search(SS) algorithm to solve this model.We also design the random-variable-sequence-based voting combination operator(RVSBVCO) and the one-point-crossover combination operator(OPCCO).From the production data of an iron-and-steel production enterprise,we randomly generate 40 instances for testing the model and the algorithm.The impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the algorithm from the sizes of reference sets and two combination operators is evaluated and compared with the results obtained from the genetic local search(GLS) algorithm.Results show that the proposed model and algorithm are effective for solving the reheating furnace scheduling problem. 作者: 譚園園[1]宋健海[2]劉士新[1] Author: 作者單位: 東北大學信息科學與工程學院流程工業綜合自動化國家重點實驗室,遼寧沈陽,110819上海寶信軟件股份有限公司,上海,201900 期 刊: 控制理論與應用 ISTICEIPKU Journal: Control Theory & Applications 年,卷(期): 2011, 28(11) 分類號: C934 關鍵詞: 加熱爐調度 住爐時間 候選板坯集合 分散搜索算法 組合算子 遺傳局域搜索算法 Keywords: scheduling reheating furnace biding time in furnace candidate slab set scatter search combination oper-ator genetic local search 機標分類號: TP3 N94 機標關鍵詞: 加熱爐 優化調度模型 算法研究 reheating furnace combination 組合算子 local search mathematical model production process energy consumption effectiveness 優化調度數學模型 生產過程 scatter search results 遺傳局域搜索 隨機變量序列 enterprise reference 約束條件 基金項目: 國家自然科學基金資助項目,國家863計劃/先進制造技術領域專題資助項目,新世紀優秀人才支持計劃資助項目【加熱爐優化調度模型及算法研究】相關文章: