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摘要:針對所有決策者均給出每個屬性下備選方案的排序向量的決策問題,提出一種排序距離極小化方法.先定義排序向量的距離測度函數,并證明其符合Cook-Seiford條件;再以方案的群體排序與各個體排序的加權距離最小為目標建立非線性整數規劃模型,求得決策群體對方案在每個屬性下的排序;類似地,將方案的綜合排序與其在每個屬性下的排序的加權距離最小化,解得方案的最終排序結果.供應商選擇算例及結果討論表明該方法的有效性.該方法將Cook-Seiford函數擴展到多屬性群決策,可較好地避免排序結果的非唯一性.Abstract:A method minimizing ranking vectors distances is proposed for a decision-making problem with ranking vectors of the alternatives given by decision makers in respect to each attribute considered. A distance function for ranking vectors is developed and proved to satisfy the conditions proposed by Cook and Seiford. Then a nonlinear integer programming model minimizing decision maker-weighted distance between the rankings of the alternatives for the group and the ones for every decision maker is developed and solved by an exhaust algorithm to obtain the rankings of the alternatives for the group in respect to each attribute. With attribute-weighted distance between the integrated rankings of the alternatives and the ones under every attribute being minimized, similarly, the final rankings of the alternatives for the group are determined. A supplier selection case is presented to illustrate the proposed method, and some discussions on the results verifies its effectiveness. This work extends Cook-Seiford social selection function to multi-attribute group decision-making, and can obtain a unique ranking result for a problem. 作者: 李武[1]岳超源[2]饒從軍[2] Author: LI Wu[1] YUE Chao-yuan[2] RAO Cong-jun[2] 作者單位: 湖南理工學院信息與通信工程學院,湖南,岳陽,414006華中科技大學系統工程研究所,湖北,武漢,430074 期 刊: 系統工程與電子技術 ISTICEIPKU Journal: SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS 年,卷(期): 2010, 32(2) 分類號: C934 N945.25 關鍵詞: 多屬性群決策 序數偏好 距離 Cook-Seiford社會選擇函數 供應商選擇 Keywords: multi-attribute group decision-making ordinal preference distance Cook-Seiford social selection function supplier selection 機標分類號: TP3 TP2 機標關鍵詞: 最小化 序數 加權距離 多屬性群決策 排序向量 備選方案 supplier selection selection function programming model distance function 排序結果 整數規劃模型 距離測度函數 極小化方法 供應商選擇 integrated 綜合排序 決策群體 排序距離 決策問題 基金項目: 國家自然科學基金,國家高技術研究發展計劃(863計劃),湖南省教育廳優秀青年項目【最小化序數偏好距離的多屬性群決策】相關文章: