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畢業論文:論王維詩歌的詩禪融合 - 語言文學畢業論文
摘 要:王維,世人稱之為“詩佛”,其許多詩作,尤其是晚年創作的詩歌極具禪理意蘊。從這些作品中我們可以看出佛學禪宗對王維詩歌創作的深刻影響,王維往往能把宗教體驗轉化為1種審美體驗,從而創造出出神入化而又飽含禪宗神韻的千古佳句。本文旨在通過對王維詩歌中有關“云”、“空山”、“深林”等意象的分析,理解其始詩中所蘊含的禪理。
關鍵詞:王維 云 空山 深林 空寂 閑靜
Abstract: Wang Wei, common people call that " poem Buddha ", a lot of poems of it, the poem especially created in old age has a deep meditation that pays attention to the connotation very much. We can find out the deep influence on Wang Weis poetry creation of Zen Buddhism of Buddhism from these works, Wang Wei can often turn religious experience into one kind to experience aesthetically , thus create the superb and full eternal beautiful line including romantic charm of Zen Buddhism. This text aims at adopting to the analysis about such images as " cloud " , " empty mountain " , " deep forest " ,etc. in Wang Weis poem, the deep meditation contained in the poem to understand its beginning is paid attention to.
Key Words: Wangwei cloud empty mountain
deep wood get empty the ji carefree quiet
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