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從狐女形象看蒲松齡的女性文化心理 - 畢業論文
摘 要
Liao Zhai Zhi Yi contain four hundred seventy-four pieces short story, twelve volumes, of which there are eighty-two articles related to the fox stories. It can be said this is most quintessence and core in the book.The nature of different fox women is the highest frequency rage. Most of them are tender and mild, beautiful, brightest and independence. We can find some progressive mind. Love is most important in marriage and sex is reasonable and legal. The status of women in the family is raised up. However, we also find behind the progress is that women are confined to polygamy, chastity and principle on ethic and so on. They are also chained by the tradition of emotion and family life. It can be said that Pu Songling’s attitudes toward women are both progress and conservative. Liao Zhai Zhi Yi is written using man’s perspective women in his book colour by female’s idea.
Key words: About beauty; contradictions; Male center theory
【從狐女形象看蒲松齡的女性文化心理 - 畢業論文】相關文章:
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