- 相關推薦
rigorous a.嚴格的,嚴厲的,嚴酷的(氣候條件)
riot n.暴(騷)亂;(色彩等)極度豐富vi.聚眾鬧事
rip v.猛撕開;扯開;被撕開;裂開
scandal n.丑事,丑聞;流言蜚語;反感,憤慨
scramble vi.(快速地)爬,攀登;互相爭奪,爭先
siege n.包圍,圍攻,圍困
sip v.小口地喝,抿,呷 n.一小口的量
sceptical/skeptical a.懷疑的
skim vt.撇去(液體表面)之漂浮物 vi.輕輕掠過
skip vi.略過,跳過 n.跳躍 vt.故意忽略;略過
texture n.(織物)質地;(材料)構造;結構;肌理
transcend vt. 超出,超越(理性等)的范圍
abolish 徹底廢除(法律、制度、習俗等)abolish old custo
prime 首要的,主要的 a matter of ~ importance
foul a.令人不快的;惡臭的;邪惡的 v.弄臟 n.(體育等)犯規
fridge n.(refrigerator的略語)冰箱
radiant a.(面容、目光)洋溢著幸福的,明亮照耀的
rap vt.急敲;突然厲聲說出;訓斥n.急敲(聲)
thermal 熱的,由熱造成的 ~burns
thirst 渴,口渴 The heat creates a ~ in me like I‘ve never had before
trail 痕跡,足跡 a ~ of destruction left by the violence
tramp 步行,跋涉 He loves ~ing over the hills
transfer 轉移,調動 the company has transferred to an eastern location
fringe n.邊緣;(窗簾)緣飾;額前垂發 vt.飾…的邊
fume n.(usu pl.)(濃烈或難聞的)煙,氣,汽
blur n.模糊不清的事物 vt.使模糊,使看不清楚
browse vi.隨意翻閱,瀏覽;(牛、羊等)吃草
primitive 原始的,上古的,早期的 a ~ forest
prior 在先的,在前的 Stop making public statements without their ~ approval here
privilege 特權,優惠,特免 In countries where there are still not many schools, education is a ~
probe 探索,探查,調查 ~ the roots of war
absolute 純粹的,完全的 have absolute trust in sb.
verge 邊,邊緣,邊沿 the ~ of a stream
verify 證明,證實Subsequent events verified my suspicions
vertical 垂直的,立式的 a ~ engine
veto 否決,否決權,否決權的行使 The rest of the committee could not accept the ~
accustom 使習慣于 accustom oneself to rising (to rise) early
acquaint 使認識,使了解
考研沖刺 如何快速搞定英語翻譯04-28