考研英語閱讀 推理判斷題考點歸納

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2015考研英語閱讀 推理判斷題考點歸納

1、推理判斷題的標志:infer, imply, suggest,All of the following/statements……NOT true/ correct/ mentioned EXCEPT

2015考研英語閱讀 推理判斷題考點歸納

2. 應該每個選項都返回原文,找出出處



A) 正話反說:



It looks/sounds like/as if:看/聽上去好像,實際并不是。如大綱樣題(1997年真題第5篇)的首句“Much of the language used to describe monetary policy, such as ”steering the economy to a soft landing“ or ”a touch on the brakes“, makes it sound like a precise science.”下劃線的字面意思直譯“使之聽上去好像一門精確的科學”,作者實際表達的意思貨幣政策并不是一門精確的科學。

虛擬語氣:虛擬以所謂的反事實假設,即作者是既表達的意思和字面意思相反。如1996年第五篇的末句“And so it does - and all would be well were reason the only judge in the creationism/evolution debate.”本句話字面意思直譯是“如果理性成為創世論和進化論這場爭議的惟一評判標準,那么一切都會變得好了”,作者實際表達的意思就是理性既不是惟一評判標準,而今天情況也并不好。

讓步論述:讓步論述就是先假設作者觀點負面成立,從而引發出一系列荒謬的、不合理的結局,倒過來再次論證作者自身觀點的正確性。因為有假設能成立的過程,事實上并不能成立,因此字面意思和實際意思依然是相反的。如大綱樣題(1997年第5篇)首段“Hence the analogy that likens the conduct of monetary policy to driving a car with a blackened windscreen, a cracked rearview mirror and a faulty steering wheel.”如果把貨幣政策比成開汽車的話(前文論證過貨幣政策不能比喻成開汽車,這里就是假設其觀點的負面成立),那么你就是開著一輛前擋風玻璃是黑的,后視鏡是碎的,方向盤是壞的車(荒謬的不合理的結局)。倒過來論證貨幣政策不能比成開汽車。

引號:引號可以起一個反語的作用。如1996年第5篇中“”Scientific“ creationism, which is being pushed by some for ”equal time“ in the classrooms whenever the scientific accounts of evolution are given, is based on religion, not science.”引號表征是所謂的科學,作者表達的意思就是創世論并不科學。

反問句:反問也是一種正話反說。如2005年第2篇首段“That the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain?”字面意思“證據不確定,那么科學也不確定了嗎?”很明顯作者表達的意思是科學是certain的,而不是字面的uncertain.

文化背景:在某些特定的文化背景當中,作者實際表達意思和字面意思相反。如2001年第5篇第一段“ A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career although, in the manner of a disgraced government minister, I covered my exit by claiming ”I wanted to spend more time with my family“。”作者在這里只是借自身來反諷某些政府部長,即作者并不是政府部長,也不是想和家人共度美好時光。

B) 深層次的含義:不能僅停留在字面意思理

C) 文章段落主旨

D) 全文末句

E) 文中帶有解釋性、結論性的句子

F) 強對比結構

G) 分類列舉結構

3. 與原文意思最接近,推理步驟最少的那一個作為正確選項

4. 傻子原則:不要利用自己任何背景知識來做推理題。有背景知識只能幫助你讀懂讀文章,不會幫助你做對題目。因為即使一個選項符合常識,它也可能是一個文中未提及的信息,是錯誤答案。



Over the past century, all kinds of unfairness and discrimination have been condemned or made illegal. But one insidious form continues to thrive: alphabetism. This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage, refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet.

It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac cars when customers thumb through their phone directories. Less well known is the advantage that Adam Abbott has in life over Zoe Zysman. English names are fairly evenly spread between the halves of the alphabet. Yet a suspiciously large number of top people have surnames beginning with letters between A and K. Thus the American president and vice-president have surnames starting with B and C respectively; and 26 of George Bush's predecessors (including his father) had surnames in the first half of the alphabet against just 16 in the second half. Even more striking, six of the seven heads of government of the G7 rich countries are alphabetically advantaged (Berlusconi, Blair, Bush, Chirac, Chrétien and Koizumi)。 The world's three top central bankers (Greenspan, Duisenberg and Hayami) are all close to the top of the alphabet, even if one of them really uses Japanese characters. As are the world's five richest men (Gates, Buffett, Allen, Ellison and Albrecht)。

Can this merely be coincidence? One theory, dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged, is that the rot sets in early. At the start of the first year in infant school, teachers seat pupils alphabetically from the front, to make it easier to remember their names. So short-sighted Zysman junior gets stuck in the back row, and is rarely asked the improving questions posed by those insensitive teachers. At the time the alphabetically disadvantaged may think they have had a lucky escape. Yet the result may be worse qualifications, because they get less individual attention, as well as less confidence in speaking publicly.

The humiliation continues. At university graduation ceremonies, the ABCs proudly get their awards first; by the time they reach the Zysmans most people are literally having a ZZZ. Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically, and their recipients lose interest as they plough through them.

47、What can we infer from the first three paragraphs?

[A] In both East and West, names are essential to success.

[B] The alphabet is to blame for the failure of Zoe Zysman.

[C] Customers often pay a lot of attention to companies' names.

[D] Some form of discrimination is too subtle to recognize. (文章主題為正確答案)

48、The 4th paragraph suggests that

[A] questions are often put to the more intelligent students.

[B] alphabetically disadvantaged students often escape form class.

[C] teachers should pay attention to all of their students. (should為正話反說,改選項實際表達的意義就是老師沒有關注所有的孩子)

[D] students should be seated according to their eyesight.


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