- 相關推薦
(1)詞性使用錯誤。 比如“Some children study very diligent”,這句話中,diligent是形容詞,不能修飾動詞study,必須改為diligently 或者hard。
(2) 隨意編造詞匯。 在08年的作文中圖畫展示了兩個殘疾人互相攙扶,扔掉拐杖的畫面。有學生寫到“Both of the two men need lamesticks”,顯然,學生因為不記得“拐杖”的英語表達,自己生造了lamesticks 這個詞。實際上,可用來表達“拐杖”的意義的詞很多,比如 stick, walking stick,staff, crutch, cane. 等。實在不會,也可以用helping tools, exterior supports , walkingaids, sticks that help them to walk等間接的表達方式,無論如何也不能編造單詞,更不能用漢語拼音Guai Zhang。
(1)謂語部分錯誤,比如系動詞缺失和非謂語動詞用作謂語部分。如 Our world will bright if everyone shows love to others, 在will和bright中間缺失 be。而像My plan of financial aid including 200 yuan in cash every month to thechild 這樣的表達在學生的作文中屢見不鮮。
(2) 介詞與連詞、副詞使用錯誤。 介詞后面需要接的是名詞或名詞性結構,連詞連接的是句子,兩個概念一定要搞清楚。在She is forced toleave school owing to her parents can’t afford tuition 中,owing to 后面是一個完整的句子,而owing to是個連詞,所以用在這里是錯用的,必須換成because,for等連詞。
(3) 句式糅雜。常常見到學生在作文中寫類似下面的句子,There is a young man is asking his barber to cut his hairin David Beckham’s style。
除了結構上的問題外,漢語的思維習慣也會導致學生寫出很多看似正確,實則chinglish 的句子,諸如 I am impossibleto fulfill the task, A single person’s ability can not solve these problems 之類的句子。前一句話中I 與impossible 主語與表語不搭配,后一句話中主語ability 與 謂語solve不搭配。所以,前者可以改為It is impossible for me to fulfill the task,.后者可以改為 A single person is unable to solve these problems。
首先,主題句與支撐句的匹配問題。If we let this trend continue, we will go into a bigtrouble. Firstly, a nationwide campaign should be launched to help students todevelop a right attitude towards study. Secondly, the government should reformthe traditional education system. 在上面這段話中,首句主題句著眼于問題將更加嚴重化,但支撐句并沒有圍繞問題如何變得嚴重化展開,而是重點談論采取的措施。因此,將首句改為 we should takeeffective measures to prevent problems from getting worse 會使得段內內容更就中心突出。
其次句子間內容的銜接也是十分關鍵的。 比如下面這段話:As is vividlydepicted in the picture, an American girl wears traditional Chinese costume andlooks very happy. The American girl is very interested in Chinese girl is veryinterested in Chinese clothes. The picture reflects cultural exchange. 此段話補充些揭示主題的表達,改為As is vividly depicted in the picture, an American girlwears traditional Chinese costume and looks very happy. Her charming smileindicates that she, a girl deeply influenced by western culture, is veryinterested in Chinese girl is very interested in Chinese clothes---a symbol ofChinese culture. Amazingly, this picture reflects cultural exchange。
那么,這些問題我們改如何解決呢? 詞匯和句式的問題屬于語法的范疇,大家需要找一本最基本的語法書,好好鞏固一些語法知識。而漢式英語的問題則需要大家通過大量的背誦優美的范文來實現。至于段落的問題,則需要好好總結考研寫作固定的行文套路。
2015考研英語完型復習 常見錯誤解析04-29
2015考研英語寫作 高分沖擊四點撥05-01