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此類文章,請參見您手中的2007年真題 “前鋒與守門員”。這篇文章,可以看出兩者過高估計的對方,而看輕了自己,缺乏自信心!如果考生將文章直接論述為“自信的重要性”,有點牽強,甚至有偏題、生搬硬套模板之嫌。建議考生,在第二段直接切入圖畫描述的現象:“部分人缺乏自信心”,對此現象進行解釋和論述;文章最后一段,闡述自信心的意義和價值。此范文無需背誦,僅需瀏覽,熟悉文章的展開思路,謹防再次出現類似命題。
From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there are two sportsmen playing football on a playground. Influenced by the idea that “the goal is larger than it really is and I am so small”, the goalkeeper seems to be quite anxious and doubts whether he can catch the ball or not. Meanwhile, with the thought that “the goalkeeper looks like an invincible giant ” in his mind, the striker is also fairly nervous. It is obvious that both of them lack confidence and overestimate the difficulties.
The cartoon informs us of a factthat, in many cases, people tend to overrate the outside difficulties while underrate the inner confidence and power. The reason why people lack confidence is that they don't even know themselves thoroughly and recognize themselves profoundly, that they have no idea what their strengths and weaknesses are. What's more, the absence of self-assurance can also be attributed to the inadequate preparation. How could a teacher, an attorney or a doctor become confident without much preparation for the lesson to teach, the case to finish or the operation to perform ? The lack of confidence will inevitably arouse fear for outside challenges and difficulties,this is something like a vicious circle, which will in turn weaken one's confidence.
However,the importance ofself-confidence is undeniable. Confidence enables us to achieve our objectivesand realize our dreams more smoothly and rapidly. The more confident we are,the more likely we are to face challenges courageously, keep sober in adversitiesand win others' trust and support. Believe yourself no mantter how harsh the outside world seems to be. Who will trust you if you lose confidence inyourself ?(283words)