英文 求職信范文
時間一晃而過,新一輪的招聘又在朝我們招手,感覺我們很有必要寫求職信了。好的求職信都具備一些什么特點呢?下面是小編整理的英文 求職信范文,僅供參考,大家一起來看看吧。
Job Application
May 22nd
Dear Mr. Cavendish,
I saw your advertisement in the local paper this evening,and I wonder if you would consider me for a job as a waiter this summer. I am seventeen years old and at present I am studying English and economics. When I leave school, I hope to take a course in hotel management. During the school holidays last summer, I worked as a waiter at the Central Hotel. The headwaiter there, Mr. Macintosh, will be pleased to send you a recommendation for me.
I would prefer to work in your hotel in Filey because it is near my home. However, if there isn’t any job there for me, perhaps you could consider me for the Scarborough Hotel.
I would be pleased if you will send me information about the pay and conditions of the job to be offered. I will be free to begin work in the fourth week of July when the school holidays start.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Tuck
【英文 求職信】相關文章:
英文的求職信 -書信04-27