What does your father do? 教案設計

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What does your father do? 教案設計

What does your father do? 教案設計 第一課時 河南濟源濟水東園學校  原靜平 一、教學目標 1.能夠聽、說、讀、寫本課單詞:singer,writer,actress,actor,artist,TV reporter。 2.能夠理解、認讀白體句子:What does your father/mother do? Hes/Shes a… 3.能夠聽懂、會唱歌曲“My Family”。 4.能運用所學詞匯簡單表達自己的理想。 二、教學重點 本課重點是掌握singer,writer,actress,actor,artist,TV reporter。 五種職業的英文表達,并能簡單問答、介紹,表達自己的理想。 三、教學難點 本課難點是在正確區分運用冠詞an和a,如:an actress,a writer。 四、課前準備 1.教師準備四年級上冊第六單元和本課的錄音帶。 2.師準備本課單詞卡片及doctor,teacher,nurse,driver,farmer,baseball player單詞卡片,she,he,it等代詞卡片、Sarah等人物的頭飾、趙薇、白巖松等名人的圖片。 3.學生準備本課單詞卡片。 四、教學步驟 1.熱身(Warm-up) (1)“指手畫腳”活動 教師把doctor,teacher,nurse,driver,farmer,baseball player等單詞卡片面朝下放在桌上。一名學生抽一張卡片,教師用動作表演卡片上的職業,其他學生猜職業名稱。然后師生共同邊做動作邊復習詞匯。如: Act like a teacher . Act like a docter. Act like a nurse . Act like a driver . Act like a farmer . Act like a baseball player .  (2) 教師放四年級上冊第74頁的歌謠,What’s your father?學生邊聽邊唱。唱后問學生What’s your father/mother?讓學生運用復習過的職業詞匯回答,然后問學生:What does your father do?看哪個學生能快速反應He is a teacher/…板書課題:What does your father do?并告訴學生它和What’s your father?意思相同。 2.新課呈現(Presentation) (1)出示教師自己的家庭成員,熟練操練What does …do? father mother brother sister aunt uncle teacher doctor farmer nurse driver baseball player  (2) 教師出示歌手宋祖英的照片,問:“What does she do?”引導學生回答:“She is a singer.”啟發學生說出更多歌手的名字。教師出示singer圖片,教師先捂住sing然后加上er的讀音,示范朗讀,讓學生跟說并做動作。 (3)問學生:Do you like Luxun?給學生介紹He is a writer.出示writer圖片,方法如write加r,看誰能獨立讀準讀音,然后師正音。 (4)師告訴學生自己的理想不是教師,模仿電視臺進行天氣預報時所做的天氣預報,如:Beijing is sunny.The temperature is 30…What do I want to be?讓學生猜出:TV reporter,然后問學生What does Baiyansong/… do?進行鞏固重復詞匯。 (5)教師依次拿出幾張演員的照片,問學生:“What does he do?”引導學生回答:“Hes an actor.”然后教師再依次拿出幾張女演員的照片,問:“What does she do?”引導學生回答:“She is an actress.”教師提示學生在actress和actor前面要用an。 (6)出示一幅徐悲鴻的大型賽馬圖,讓學生猜這是誰的畫,然后問學生What does he do?教學artist,同樣提示學生artist前也用an 3.鞏固操練(Practice) (1) 聽錄音,讀準單詞。 (2) “快看快拼”活動 教師快速出示一張本部分的單詞卡片,學生爭取首先拼出單詞。 (3)“按順序排隊”活動   學生五人一組,每組使用一套本課單詞卡片,每個學生任意抽取一張卡片,教師打亂順序說出卡片上的職業,學生必須根據教師報的順序站隊,然后說出他們卡片上的職業名稱。為了增加游戲的難度,教師可以變換單詞的順序.漸加快速度。 (4)“快看快說”活動 教師同時速出示一張職業圖片和she,he,Sarah中的任一張卡片,學生根據卡片上的內容快速說出一個句子,如:She is an actress. 教師向學生展示雜志上的名人照片,問:“Whos he/she? What does he/she do?”引導學生回答:“Thats…Hes/Shes a…” (5) 把學生熟悉的名人編成歌謠,學生根據歌謠的調子進行鞏固:What does Zhaowei do? Actress ,Actress, she is an actress. What does Xietingfeng do?  Actor , actor, he is an actor. What does Yanghongying do? Writer,writer, he is a writer. What does Qibaishi do? Artist,artist,he is an artist. What does Pengliyuan do? Singer,singer,She is a singer. What does Jingyidan do? She is a TV reporter. 4、鞏固和延伸(Consolidation and extension) (1)教師依次戴上Amy,Chen Jie等人物的頭飾,并介紹說:“I am Amy.I am going to be an artist.I am John.I am going to be a/an…”然后向一名學生提問:“What are you going to be?”引導學生回答:“Im going to be a/an…”板書:“What are you going to be? Im going to be a/an… (2)學生翻開課本第58頁,在表格第一列填入要采訪的同學名字,然后在教室里走動調查,完成表格,找出最受全班學生歡迎的職業。學生運用所學新詞匯互相談論自己的理想,Im going to be a/an… (3)Everyone has own dreams .But how do you make your dreams ture? I hope you study hard every day. (4)Lets sing教師放“My Family的錄音,學生跟讀歌詞,跟錄音唱歌曲。        

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