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8B Unit 3 Reading(I)教案
教 案 教學目標 1 通過閱讀文章,獲取有關教育類游戲光盤的信息。 2 能根據關鍵詞、圖片、上下文和現有的知識猜測文章大意。 3 通過完成一段對話來掌握具體細節。 4 通過文章學習,調動學生對使用教育光盤或軟件的興趣,進而提升學習英語的興趣。 教學內容 四會內容 詞匯:educational CD-ROM traveller asleep point correctly role level knowledge grammar reach screen pass mark purple 三會內容 詞匯:designer vocabulary 教學過程 Step 1導入新課 Arouse students’ interest by telling them that they are going to read about a new educational CD-ROM. Explain that the game is set in different countries and involves a tour around the world. Step 2交流展示 1 Part B: Check the answers in groups. Then ask the students to read in pairs. 2 Task 2: Ask and answer the questions in pairs. 3 Part C1: Divide the class into pairs and set a time limit of five minutes. Ask the students to correct the false statements. Check the answers as a class. 4 Task 4: First, write the answers of the table on the blackboard. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs. 5 Part C2: Invite some pairs to read the conversation to the class. Ask the rest of the class to check their answers. 6 Task 6: Write the answers on the blackboard. 【設計意圖】以小組交流展示與全班交流展示相結合的方式,促使學生積極思維,主動參與課堂活動,互幫、互助、互學,共享學習成果。 Step 3互動探究 Work in groups: Selling the new CD-ROM If you are a CD-ROM seller, you want to sell a new CD-ROM. Please introduce your CD-ROM to your customer(顧客), including its name, its function and how to use it. e.g. This is…. It can help you…. 【設計意圖】給學生創設交流與合作的機會,既鍛煉口語交際能力,又培養探究意識,促進學生能力發展,同時讓他們體驗到合作學習的快樂。 Step 4精講點撥 1 Part B Encourage the students to find the words in the reading passage and match with the correct definitions. Tell the students: fall asleep=be asleep (fall asleep為短暫性短語,be asleep為延續性短語,可以互相轉化,此為一個難點) 【方法與突破】My father fell asleep half an hour ago. (改為同義句) -- My father has been asleep for half an hour. 2 Reading Read the article for several times. By reading, complete some related tasks. Give the students enough time to communicate with each other and enough chance to express themselves. During the course of reading, teach them some useful reading methods and skills.(本部分為教學重點) 【方法與突破】設計一些相關練習,通過閱讀,獲取有用信息,完成相關練習,再通過完成一段對話加深對文章的理解。在此過程中,教授學生一些閱讀方法與技巧,為今后的閱讀作好鋪墊。 3 Part C2 Explain the context: Millie wants to know about ‘Around the World in Eight Hours’. She is asking Daniel a lot of questions. After completing their conversation, ask two or three pairs to read it. 【設計意圖】精講教學內容,突出重點,突破難點,點撥閱讀方法與技巧,引導學生逐步達成學習目標。 教學反思 本節課主要是通過閱讀的方式了解一種教育類游戲光盤,由于話題是有關電腦游戲的,又貼近學生的生活實際,因而他們對閱讀文章產生了濃厚的興趣。通過完成一段對話掌握了文章的具體細節。然而,在教學過程中,并不是所有的學生都能從閱讀中獲取正確信息,完成相關任務,在今后的教學中還需進一步加強訓練。【8B Unit 3 ReadingI教案】相關文章:
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