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全國首屆小學英語優質課競賽一等獎教案 (四)
全國首屆小學英語優質課競賽一等獎教案 (四) In a Fast-food Restaurant (浙江寧波市戎徐小學 朱雪君) I.教學內容 In a Fast-food Restaurant Waiter: Hello, can I help you? Mum: Yes. What would you like, Dick? Dick: I’d like a hamburger. Mum: Me, too. Waiter: Would you like something to drink? Mum: Oh, yes. Two glasses of orange juice, please. Dick: Mum, can I have an ice-cream? Mum: Sure. Two hamburgers, two glasses of orange juice and an ice-cream. Waiter: OK. Here you are. 38 yuan, please. Mum: Here the money. Waiter: Thanks. 生詞:fast-food / resaurant / hamburger 句型:What would you like? Would you like something to eat/ drink? II、教學目標: 1. 能聽、讀、說fist-food/restaurant/hamburger,并了解其含義; 2.能靈活運用重點句型,并清楚其運用的場合和語氣; (1) What would you like? (2)Would you like something to eat/drink? 3.能模仿本文對話,并能在一定的語境中運用所學語言進行交際; 4.培養學生的注意力和觀察力,激發學生積極思維,挖掘學生運用語言的創造能力。 III、教學重難點: 1.重難點句型: (1)What would you like? (2)I’d like ... (3)Would you like something to eat/drink? (4)…,please. 2.掌握有關食物名稱的詞匯。 III、教具準備: 食物圖片:ice-cream, hamburger, cake, bread, juice, milk, water, hot-dog, Frenh fries等。 食物和飲料:hamburger,cake,bread,milk,orangejuice,cola等。 道具:服務員工作帽、圍裙、托盤。 多媒體課件一套。 IV、教學過程: Step 1.Warm-up activities (1)Do it! (學生按教師的指令做動作) T:Stand up!/Sit down!/Sit down!/Stand up! (教師輔以手勢) T:Walk!/Stop!/Jump 5 times!/Stop!/Push!/Stop!/Run!/Stop! (教師和學生一起做,每個動作持續一段時間后,教師突然說:“Stop!”要求學生立刻停下來。) (2)Do as 1 do?(教師做動作并表達,引導學生邊做邊說:“Me,t00.”) 教師做睡覺狀,并用低緩語調說:“I’m tired.”引導學生說:“Me,t00.” 教師做笑臉狀,并用歡快語調說:“I’m happy.”引導學生說:“Me,t00.” 教師做干渴狀,并說:“I’m thirsty.”引導學生說:“Me,.too.” 教師手摸肚子,并說:“I’m hungry. ”引導學生說:“Me,.too.” (3)Listen and act!(學生按教師的指令做動作。) 教師說:“Let’s eat!(做吃東西狀),學生跟著做動作。 指令依次為:Eat slowly!/Eat fast!/Let’s drink!/Drink slowly!/Drink / fast! /Eat fast! (通過此活動,操練對話中的有關單詞,例如:eat,drink,fast。) Step 2.Revision and presentation (1)教師問:“What do you like to eat?”讓學生根據自己的喜好,用已學句型“I like…”回答。 (2)教師出示卡片hamburger,并問:“Do you like a hamburger?” (3)學生學說hamburger一詞,教師板書單詞,并抽查一組學生,學生快速讀詞。 (4)出示有關食物的卡片(hamburger,cake,ice-cream,iuice,milk,…),讓學生認讀。 (5)做游戲:“What’s missing?’(教師從卡片中任意抽掉一張,再讓學生看卡片讀單詞,然后讓學生說出拿掉的是哪一張卡片。) Step 3. Pattem drills and dialogue teaching (1)選取單詞卡片4—5張,同時出示給學生,并提問:“What would you like?’引導學生回答:“I’d like…”教師把該卡片送給說出正確答案的學生。 (2)教師把手中卡片送完后攤開雙手說:“No food lefi! But don’t worry,let’s go to the restaurant.You can choose whatever you like.” (3)屏幕上出現單詞RESTAURANT及三幅食物圖片:noodles,fish,rice。教師提問:“What would you like?’讓學生用“I’d like ...”回答。當學生選中一種食物時,教師點擊該圖,出現該食物的價格。教師對該生做手勢并說:“20/30 yuan,please.’引導學生說:“Here’s the money.”當屏幕上顯示的是免費食物時,教師則帶領全班學生對該學生說:“Conigatulations!” (noodles—20 yuan;fish—free;rice—10 yuan) (4)屏幕上出現單詞BAR和三幅圖片:wine,coffee,juice (wine—600 yuxm,coffee—30 yuan,juice—free),教師請一學生提問并操作(練習方式同上)。 (5)教師指著,juice說: “I’d like juice very much.I even drink juice on my birtllday.”屏幕上出現Happy Birthday to you! 和一只蛋糕。教師說:“Suppose today was your birthday,what would you like?’引導學生用“I’d like…”句型表達自己的愿望。 (6)屏幕上出現一疊疊錢的畫面。教師問:“If you had lots of money,what would you like?’讓學生繼續用“I’d like...”句型回答。教師引導學生說:“A car? A computer?”等,拓展學生的思維。 (7)教師說:“If I had lots of money,I’d like to open a big fast-food restaurant.”自然引出對話主題。教師出示快餐店圖片,并介紹說:“Look,this is a fast-food restaurant.A big nice fast-food restaurant! We sense hot-dogs,hamburger,salad,French fries…” (出示食物圖片) (8)讓學生模仿跟讀單詞fast-food restaurant,并選1、2組學生朗讀,教師板書該詞。 (9)教師系上圍裙,拿起裝有食物(cake,hamburger,bread,juice,milk,water,ice-cream)的托盤,扮演服務員,并說:“Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat? What would you like?’讓學生回答,回答正確的學生可以得到該食物。 (10)當食物分完后,教師解下圍裙,做出疲倦狀,并說:“Oh,I’m tired and hungry.”引導學生說:“Would you like something to eat? What would you like?”教師收回學生所選的食物后說:“I’m full.I’m not hungry.But I’m thirsty now.”教師繼續引導學生說:“Would you like something to drink? What would you like?” (11)教師說:“I’m not hungry and thirsty now.Thank you,boys and girls. You’ve done a very good job today.” Step 4. Communicative practice (1)屏幕上出現招聘服務員的海報,教師扮成快餐店經理,并說:“Our fast-food restaurant needs a waiter or a waitress.Who’d like to have a try?’ (2)邀請幾位學生上來,給他們戴上服務員的帽子,并讓他們站成一排;然后,教師(扮演經理)對“應聘者”發指令:“Line up!Turn left!Turn right!Smile and say:Welcome! Can I help you? What would you like? Would you like something to eat?’每做幾個動作,就請不合要求的“應聘者”回去,最后剩下兩位“應聘者”。 (3)教師對全班學生說:“Who’s the best one?Please discuss in pairs.”引導學生兩人一組討論,以確定最后被“錄用者”。 (4)請幾組學生扮演顧客,來快餐店購物,比較兩位應聘者所提供的服務。 (5)最后選出最佳“服務員”。 (6)教師說:“Now 1et’s open our fast-food restaurant.”教師出示有關食物,引導所選的“服務員”與全班同學進行以下對話: W:Can I help you? Ss:Yes. W:What would you like? Ss:I’d like a hamburger. W:Would you like something to drink? Ss:Two glasses of orange juice. W:OK.Here you are.48 yuan, please. Ss:Here’s the&【全國首屆小學英語優質課競賽一等獎教案 (四)】相關文章:
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