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Moon Village 月球村
Head of the European Space Agency, Johann-Dietrich Woerner has revealed ideas for an international 'Moon Village' that combines the capabilities of space-faring nations around the world. 歐洲航天局(ESA)的負責人約翰-迪特里希·韋爾納已經公布了國際“月球村”的想法,這個計劃將聯合全世界航天水平先進的國家的力量。 This settlement - which could be available by 2030 - would be built using natural resources from the lunar surface to create a permanent base for the purpose of science, business, and even tourism. 這個開拓地——有可能在2030年前可供使用——將利用來自月球表面的自然資源進行建設,為科學、商業甚至是旅游業提供永久性的基地。【Moon Village 月球村】相關文章:
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