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) The earliest origins of tennis are a matter of some dispute. One side believes that the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans played a precursor to tennis. Drawings or deions of any tennis-like games have not been discovered, but a few Arabic words dating from ancient Egyptian times are cited as evidence. The theory says that the name tennis derives from the Egyptian town of Tinnis alongside the Nile.一種說法是關于網球的起源,古埃及,希臘和羅馬是網球的發源地。在古埃及時代,盡管沒有相關的古代刻畫圖形作為證據,但是,卻發現了很多阿拉伯單詞。有理論說,網球這個單詞起源于尼羅河畔的一個名為Tinnis的古埃及小鎮。
Aside from this word, evidence for any form of tennis preceding the year 1000 is lacking, and most historians credit the first origins of the game to 11th or 12th century French monks, who began playing a crude handball against their monastery walls or over a rope strung across a courtyard.
The game took on the name jeu de paume, which means "game of the hand." Many who dispute more ancient origins argue that tennis derived from the French tenez, which meant something to the effect of "take this," said as one player would serve to the other.
這種和尚所玩的游戲在那時被叫做 jeu de paume,意思是“用手玩的游戲”。但是還有人說其起源于法國的 tenez一詞,意識是“接住”,也就是一方球手在發球時對另一方球手所說的詞語。
As the game became more popular, courtyard playing areas began to be modified into indoor courts, where the ball was still played off the walls. After bare hands were found too uncomfortable, players began using a glove, then either a glove with webbing between the fingers or a solid paddle, followed by webbing attached to a handle -- essentially a racquet. Rubber balls were still centuries away, so the ball was a wad of hair, wool, or cork wrapped in string and cloth or leather, then in later years, hand-stitched in felt to look something like a modern baseball.