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學做 Presentation (1)
Daphne所屬的公司,為 EarthSound 擬定了一份打入臺灣市場的行銷企劃。待眾人坐定之后,Daphne帶著從容和悅的神情,起身上臺開始了這場presentation。 Good afternoon and thank you for coming today. My name is Daphne Fu, and I'm the Project Manager in Taipei for Jackson&Wang. I'm here today to present our firm's marketing plan, which is designed to introduce EarthSound's products to the wealthy Taiwan market. Our research shows that there are big profits waiting in Taiwan, so we're excited at the opportunities we see for EarthSound. I hope that some of our excitement will rub off on all of you. 下午好,感謝各位今天的蒞臨,我是Daphne傅,Jackson&Wang公司臺北地區的項目經理。今天在這里向各位說明本公司的行銷企劃,是針對貴公司將產品打入富裕的臺灣市場所擬定的。根據我們的調查,臺灣市場潛藏著豐厚的利潤,對于"天籟"所面對的機會,我們感到十分興奮,希望能把這種感覺傳達給在座的各位。 I'll start with a few facts and figures about the health and beauty products market in Taiwan. Next, I'll go over the standard types of advertising that have been successful for these products in Taiwan. Finally, I'll analyze current opportunities and give a few recommendations. A booklet of the marketing plan will be handed out after the presentation, and it will give you all the details. 我首先會報告一些實際情況與數據,有關臺灣健康美容用品的市場;然后,再說明典型的成功廣告案例,有關此類產品打入臺灣市場的情形。最后,我會分析目前的機會并提出幾點建議。簡報之后,我將發給各位一本關于這份行銷計劃的報告書,里面寫得非常詳細。 Because we all have tight schedules, I'd like to introduce the first point, the current state of Taiwan's health and beauty market... 我知道大家都很忙,我想馬上就開始介紹今天的第一項主題:臺灣健康美容用品的市場現況……Notes: 1. rub off on 沾到;感染Rub 原是“磨擦”的意思,而 rub off 則指“擦掉”;rub off on是美式用法,它的意思是“把(某物)擦掉,再把它抹于另一件物品上”,引申有“將個人想法、行為影響了他人或把情緒感染給別人”的喻意。值得注意的是,這個詞組是以物為主語,而不是人,請參考本文和下例。 Since you're new to the team, I hope some of my confidence will rub off on you.你是這個團隊的新成員,希望我的信心能感染你。2. go over 瀏覽;仔細檢查這個詞組有兩層意思:一是指把某個文件看過一下或事情討論一遍,只要得到一個基本概念就好;另一個意思則是精密地審查。Let's go over some ways to make our office more efficient.讓我們很快地討論幾個使辦公室更有效率的辦法。句型總結● 說明簡報目的 1. I'm here today to present our firm's marketing plan. 2. My purpose tod【學做 Presentation 1】相關文章: