China daily Hot Words(J2)

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China daily Hot Words(J2)

叫座 a box-office success; draw a large audience

交叉 感染 cross transmission; cross-infection

加強伙伴關系 strengthen partnerships

加速科研成果向生產力的轉化 facilitate a faster transition from research to actual production

家庭暴力 domestic violence

假帳 accounting fraud

機讀形式 machine-readable form

結黨營私 form cliques for private gain

街道企業 neighborhood enterprise

借調  temporarily transfer

借讀生 transient student

戒毒所 drug rehabilitation center

階段性就業 periodic employment

階段性政策 interim policy

解放生產力 emancipate the productive forces

解放思想、實事求是的思想路線 ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts

解放思想、實事求是、與時俱進  Emancipate the mind, Seek truth from the facts, Advance with the times

結構工資制 structual wage system

結構失調 structural imbalance

結匯 settle a foreign exchange account; settlement of exchange deals

劫機 hijack an airplsne

戒急用忍 overcome impetuosity and exercise patience; no haste, be patient

解決勞動力就業問題 tackle the problem of employment of the labor force

解決貿易爭端 settle trade disputes

接口 interface

解困基金 anti-poverty funds

揭老底 reveal the inside story; open a buried secret

解鈴還須系鈴人 It is better for the doer to undo what he has done; Let him who tied the bell on the tiger take it off; Whoever started the trouble should end it.

截擊導彈 interceptor; interception missile

截流 dam; the damming of

截留上繳利潤 withhold profits that should be turned over to the state

節能 save energy; energy-saving

節食 on a diet

結售匯制度 "the system of exchange, settlement and sales "

節水龍頭 water-saving taps

節水農業 water-saving agriculture

街談巷議 gossip; rumor

階梯教室 lecture theatre; terrace classroom

街心花園 park at an intersection; garden in the city center

節育率 rate of contraception

節奏布魯斯音樂(RMB音樂) rhythm blues

街舞 hip-hop

技工學校 skilled workers training school


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