- 相關推薦
Cabin, cable, cafe, cake, calculate, calendar, call (call sb. call for, call off/cancel; call on sb.; call up), calm (calm down), calm/still, camera, campaign/champagne/champion, campus, can/container, Canada, Canadian, cancer, candidate, cap, capability/ability, capable (be capable of), capital, captain, car, carbon, card, cardinal/essential, care (care about, take care of), career, careful, careless, carrier, carry (carry on, carry out), cartoon, case ( in any case, in most cases, in case, in case of), cash, cast/throw, casual, cat, catch (catch up with, catch a cold, catch attention), cater (cater for ), cause, cautious/careful, cease/ stop, celebrate, cell, census, centennial, centigrade, central, center, century, certain, chain, chair/host, chairman, challenge, chance/opportunity (a chance to do sth.; by chance, take a/the chance), change, channel, character, characteristic (be characteristic of), charge ( in the charge of, take charge of, charge..with..), charming/attractive, cheap/expensive, cheat (cheat sb. of money), check (check in, check up), cheerful/pleasing, cheer (cheer up), chemical/physical, chemistry, cherish (hope/dreams/friendship), chief, child/children, childhood, childish, China/china, Chinese, choice, choose (choose sth. from/among sth. ), Christmas, chronic, church, cigarette, cinema, circle, circuit, circular/round, circulate, circumstance ( under/ in no circumstances), citizen, city, civil, claim, clash (clash with, a clash of views), class/category, classic/classical, classroom, classmate, clean, clear (clear away, clear up), clerk, clever, client, climate, climax/top, climb (climb up/down the hill), cling (cling to), clinic, clock, clockwise, close/open (close down, close season), cloth/clothes/clothing, cloud, cloudy, club, clue/hint, clumsy/awkward, coach, coal, coarse/rough, coast (along the coast), coat (coat the throat), code, coffee, coin, coincide (coincide with), cold (have/catch a cold), collar (white/blue/