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第十二章 名詞從句
如果是兩個各自能夠獨立的簡單句,中間以 and、but、or 等連接詞連起來,兩句之間維持平行、對稱的關系,沒有主、從之分,就稱為合句(Compound Sentence),又稱對等從句。例如:
Girls like dolls, but boys like robots. (女生喜歡洋娃娃,男生喜歡機器人。)
如果將一個句子改造成名詞、形容詞或副詞類,放到另一句中使用,就稱為從屬從句,另一句則稱為主要從句。合并而成的句子有主從之分,就稱為復句(Complex Sentence)。
I S know V something O.
I am right.
→ I S know V that I am right O. (我知道我是對的。)
I am right 是一個獨立的簡單句,外加連接詞 that 成為名詞從句,放在主要從句中當做 know 的賓語。
My father is a man .
He always keeps his word.
→ My father is a man who always keeps his word . (我父親是個信守諾言的人。)
形容詞從句又稱關系從句。兩個各自獨立的簡單句之間必須要有關系,也就是要有一個重復的元素存在。上例中,例 1 與例 2 即因為 a man 和 he 的重復而建立關系,再將重復點的 he 改寫成關系詞 who,就可以將兩句連在一起了。who always keeps his word 用來形容前面的名詞 man,所以稱為形容詞從句。
He works hard.
He's in need of money.
→ He works hard because he's in need of money . (他勤奮工作,因為他需要錢。)
這是最簡單的一種從屬從句。例 1 及例 2 都是完整、獨立的簡單句。兩者之間有因果關系:他缺錢是他努力工作的原因,于是用表示原因的連接詞 because 加在例 2 前面,把兩句話連起來就成了。because he's in need of money 修飾動 works,所以稱為副詞從句。
二、前面加上連接詞 that。這個連接詞沒有意義,只有語法功能,表示后面跟著一個名詞從句。
Something S is strange.
He didn't show up on time.
→ (A) That he didn’t show up on time S is strange.
→ (B) It is strange that he didn't show up on time S.
例 2 He didn't show up on time 就是例 1 主語 something 的內容。在它前面加上 that(表示“那件事”)就成了名詞從句,可以直接放入例 1 主語(something)的位置,做為 is 的主語使用,成為(A)的復句。
另外,名詞從句如果很長,直接放入主語位置使用時,可能會讓讀者看不清楚,這時候可以用 it 這個虛詞(expletive)來填入主語位置,讓主要從句 It is strange 比較清楚地表達出來,名詞從句則向后移,成為(B)的復句。
The defendant S said V something O.
He didn't do it.
→ (A) The defendant S said V that he didn’t do it O.
例 2 的 He didn't do it. 就是例 1 中 something 的內容,于是在例 2 前面加上連接詞 that 成為名詞從句,然后直接放入例 1 中作為 said 的賓語,就成為(A)的復句。
名詞從句的連接詞 that 因為沒有意義,只有標示從句的語法功能,所以有時能省略。如果名詞從句放在及物動詞后面的賓語位置,讀者可以清楚看出這是名詞從句,就可以省略連接詞 that。試比較下面兩句:
The defendant said that he didn’t do it O.
That he didn't show up S is strange.
例 1 的名詞從句放在賓語位置,省略掉 that 之后仍然清楚。例 2 的名詞從句放在主語位置,如果省略掉 that,成為:
He didn't show up is strange. (誤)
這個句子就有問題。因為沒有從屬連接詞,讀者會以為 He didn't show up 就是主要從句,再看到后面的 is strange 就會覺得奇怪了。一般語法書說名詞從句作賓語使用時,可以省略 that,主要就是因為賓語位置是明顯的從屬位置,省掉連接詞不會不清楚,主語位置則不然。總之,能否省略,要看省略以后能不能維持意思的清楚。
I S find V something O strange C.
He didn't show up on time.
→ (A) I find it strange that he didn't show up on time O.
例 2 He didn't show up on time. 就是例 1 的賓語 something 的內容,可以加上連接詞 that,成為名詞從句,放入 something 的.位置作賓語使用。可是它后面還有一個補語 strange,如果賓語的從句太長,又會造成不清楚,所以還是借用虛字 it 暫代賓語位置,將從句后移,成為(A)的結果。
The car is ruined. The important thing S is V that we're all right C. (車子報銷了,要緊的是我們都安然無恙。)
the important thing = we're all right
把 we're all right 前面加上連接詞 that(表示“那件事情”),作為名詞從句,放在 be 動詞后面的補語位置,和主語 the important thing(要緊的事情)同等,就成為一個復句。
名詞從句放在補語位置,只要不會產生斷句的困難或意思的混淆,仍然可以省略連接詞 that,例如上面這句就可以寫成:
The important thing is we're all right.
The story S that he once killed a man 同位語 might just be true. (他殺過人這件事極有可能是真的。)
上例中 he once killed a man 原是一個完整的簡單句,加上連接詞 that 之后成為名詞從句,放在名詞 the story 的后面作它的同位語,也就是和它同等的東西。
I S am V afraid C that I can't help you 同位語. (對不起,我幫不了你。)
上例中 I can’t help you 是完整的單句,外加連接詞 that,這種構造就是名詞從句。名詞從句屬于名詞類,要放在主要從句的名詞位置使用。可是主要從句 I am afraid 當中看不出來有任何名詞位置可以放這個名詞從句。原來這中間經過省略,請看下面的句子;
I am afraid of that thing.
I can't help you.
例 2 的 I can’t help you 加上連接詞 that,成為名詞從句,可以視為例 1 中 thing 的同位語。基于以下三點原因:
that thing 沒有意義
that thing 與 that I can't help you 重復
of that thing 是可有可無的介系詞短語
于是將 of that thing 省略掉。就成為:
I am afraid that I can't help you .
這句話中的名詞從句仍應視為用在同位語位置。句中的 that 也可以省略。再看一個例子:
You S 'd better take V care O that nothing goes wrong 同位語. (你最好小心,別出錯。)
這個句子的賓語是 care,是 S+V+O 的句型,同樣沒有位置可以放名詞從句,但是可以視為下面兩句的結合:
You'd better take care of that thing.
Nothing goes wrong.
例 2 加上 that 成為名詞從句,可以放在 that thing 后面作為同位語,再把 of that thing 這個介系詞短語省略就成為:
You'd better take care that nothing goes wrong.
句中的連接詞 that 省略掉,也不會影響句意或造成不清楚,所以可以省略。
1.This S is V your last offer C, I S suppose V? (我想這就是你們的最后報價吧?)
I S suppose V that this is your last offer O?
例 2 中可以看出主要從句是 I suppose something,而從屬從句是 that this is your last offer。后者是重要的內容所在,卻在從屬的位置,有點本末倒置,所以加以放大處理:把連接詞 that 省略掉,再移到前面,使它看起來像主要從句,再把 I suppose 往后移到比較不重要的位置,放到逗號后,就成了例 1 的形狀。
The earthquake was a 6.9, said Dr. Chang, Director of the Yangmingshan Geological Observatory. (這場地震為 6.9 級,陽明山地質觀測站主任張博士如是說。)
Dr. Chang S, Director of the Yangmingshan Geological Observatory, said V that the earthquake was a 6.9 O.
這個句子中,地震幾級是重點,誰說的并不重要,可是在例 2 中 that the earthquake was a 6.9 是從屬的名詞從句,被放到句尾,沒有獲得應有的強調,所以把它放大處理,省略掉 that,移到句首,使它看起來像主要從句,成為這個形狀:
The earthquake was a 6.9 O, Dr. Chang S, Director of the Yangmingshan Geological Observatory, said V.
這個句子固然給予名詞從句應有的強調,可是主語 Dr. Chang 與動詞 said 之間距離太遠,動詞又與賓語的名詞從句距離太遠,修辭效果不佳。如果把動詞倒裝到主語前面,成為例 1 的形狀,就可以解決這個問題。有關倒裝句的做法,后面有專章說明。
典型的名詞從句是外加連接詞 that,表示“那件事情”(that thing)。另外,以疑問詞(who、what、when 等)引導的疑問句,也可以改裝成名詞從句,代表一個問題(the question)。例如:
I S know V the question O.
Who are you?
→ (A) I S know V who you are O. (我知道你是誰。)
例 2 中 Who are you? 只要改寫為非疑問句的順序 who you are 即成為名詞從句,以疑問詞 who 當連接詞用,不必再加連接詞,直接把這個從句放人例 1 中 the question 的位置,作為 know 的賓語,即成為(A)的復句。再看一個例子:
The question S is anybody's guess.
When will the bomb go off?
→ (A) When the bomb will go off S is anybody's guess.
例 2 的疑問句只要改成非疑問句的順序 when the bomb will go off 就成了代表一個問題的名詞從句,不必加連接詞,可以直接放入例 1 的主語位置構成(A)的復句。
whether 和 if
疑問句改裝的名詞從句中比較特別的是由 whether 引導的名詞從句。whether 并不能獨立當做疑問詞來引導一個帶問號的疑問句,可是它可以引導代表一個問題的名詞從句,請看下例:
I S can’t tell V which O.
Either he’s telling the truth or he's not .
→ (A) I can't tell whether he’s telling the truth or not O.
例 1 中的 which(“是哪一個?”)也代表一個問題:他是在說真話還是在騙人?把例 2 的這兩項選擇(either…or)放入例 1 中的賓語位置,再把 which 和 either 結合就成為 whether,可以用來引導其后的從句作為名詞從句,當作 tell 的賓語使用,成為(A)的復句。(A)中的 whether 也可以改成 if:
I can't tell if he’s telling the truth or not O.
whether 和解釋為“是否”的 if 在大多數的情況下可以互換使用,但是在句首位置以及介系詞后面就只能用 whether,請從下面的例子思考一下為什么。
Either the stock market will improve or it will not .
(The question) which S is impossible to say now.
→ (A) Whether the stock market will improve or not S is impossible to say now.
例 1 的兩個選擇就是例 2 主語部分的問題 which,可以結合成 whether 引導的名詞從句,成為(A)的復句。可是(A)的 whether 就不適合換成 if,因為放在句首位置的 if 從句,會讓讀者誤以為是表示“如果”的副詞從句。有關副詞從句的問題將在下一章介紹,此處從略。再看下例:
Either the tumor is malignant or it is not .
The treatment will be decided by 介系詞 (the question) which O.
→ (A) The treatment will be decided by 介系詞 whether the tumor is malignant or not O.
例 1 的兩個選擇就是例 2 中介系詞 by 的賓語 which,可以結合成為 whether 的名詞從句,置于 by 之后作賓語。這個位置也不能用 if,因為介系詞后面必須使用名詞短語,不適合使用連接詞引導名詞從句。whether 的從句可以放在介系詞后面,因為它是 which 和 either 合成的字,其中的 which 是代名詞類,可以作介系詞的賓語。
一、完整的簡單句外加無意義的連接詞 that,代表“那件事”。
二、疑問詞引導的疑問句改裝,不加連接詞,代表“那個問題”,其中 whether 有時可改寫為 if。
1. Although Columbus knew the earth was round, he could not imagine __.
how was it large
how large it was
of what large it was
of that what size
Show Answer
2. __ in the stratosphere is depleted is not completely understood.
How ozone
While ozone
Ozone that
Show Answer
3. It is believed __ into modern birds.
that pterosaurs evolved
what pterosaurs were evolved
it was pterosaurs evolved
pterosaurs that were evolved
Show Answer
4. The fact __ the forests of North America are shrinking almost as fast as are those of the Amazon Basin is largely ignored by the American people.
is that
Show Answer
5. The report __ some birds guide African natives to honeybee hives was for a long time discredited by the scientific community.
Show Answer
6. Riding the rapids down the Colorado, Captain Powell was determined to prove __ could be traversed.
the Grand Canyon it
that in the Grand Canyon
how in the Grand Canyon
that the Grand Canyon
Show Answer
7. She wouldn't tell me __ she saw there.
Show Answer
8. Quantum physicists are interested in __ tiny particles move.
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9. __ after lying dormant for hundreds of years is hard to believe.
It is seeds that can sprout
Seeds can sprout
That seeds can sprout
Sprouting seeds
Show Answer
10. Whether she can do the job depends on how well prepared __.
is she
can she
she is
she can
Show Answer
11. After comparing the two answer sheets, the teacher came to the conclusion __ in the exam.
is the students cheated
which is the students that cheated
that the students cheated
what the students cheated
Show Answer
12. Scientists believe __ made the moon as cold as it is.
that an atmosphere is absent
that the absence of an atmosphere
what was the absence an atmosphere
an atmosphere is absent
Show Answer
13. __ is decided by the ecological role that it plays.
An animal sees well
Whether an animal sees well
Does an animal see well
So an animal sees well
Show Answer
14. Analysts agree __ is too much “hot money”circulating in the stock market.
that there
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15. Have you wondered whether __ too late to change your job?
it is
is it
that it is
Show Answer
16. __ is impossible to tell now.
When will it snow
Whether will snow
When it snows
Whether it will snow
Show Answer
17. Such an opportunity, __, comes only once in a lifetime.
the salesman says
that the salesman says
which says the salesman
what the salesman says
Show Answer
18. Many voters are concerned __ may not be able to deliver on his promises.
over the candidate
with the candidate
that the candidate
the candidate that
Show Answer
19. I find __ that he didn't take the money.
to believe hard
it to believe hard
it hardly to believe
it hard to believe
Show Answer
20. Babylon is __ Bagdad.
that is now
what now
what is now
that now
Show Answer
1. 備考主語從句應注意以下三點
二是主語從句通常用it作形式主語,尤其是在It is +名詞 / 形容詞 / 過去分詞+that…中,或在It seems / happens that…中,或疑問句中;
三要注意由what, whatever, whoever引導的主語從句一般不用形式主語。
2. 備考賓語從句應注意以下四點
三是當主句謂語動詞是think, believe, suppose, expect, imagine等時,若賓語從句要表示否定意義,往往要通過否主句來實現,即所謂否定轉移;
3. 備考表語從句應注意以下三點
一是除that, whether和疑問詞外,as, as if, as though, because也可引導表語從句;
二要注意“that’s why+結果”以及“that’s because+原因”的區別;
三是注意the reason (why / for…) is that…句式。
if, whether引導的名詞從句05-04